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[2021.03.16.Tue]입이 트이는 영어 My favorite YouTuber

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 16.

[Brainstorming] fields of interest or hobby, how to videos, visual, do it yourself


[Speaking] Talk about Your Favorite Youtuber

As I entered my 40s, I started to take a greater interest in investement strategies and post-retirement plans. That's when I came across a certain youtuber. He is a man in his 60s, who suffered financial hardship when he was younger. He earned money through work experiences in various fields and invested in blue-chip stocks.


Once he had invested, he never sold his stocks except when he needed a lump sum of money. Prices for stocks he had bought for cheap have increased more than dozens of times over. He continues to earn a tidy profit by trading stocks.


He created his youtube channel to share his experience and knowledge about investing with the financially velnerable. He invests with his subscribers, and shares his profit rate. He emphasizes that we should keep buying promising stocks over the long term. In the past few months, I`ve started to take his investment advice and put it into action


promising 약속을 하는/전도유망한/미래전망이 밝은

a tidy profit: 제법 큰 수익 (*tidy: 깔끔한/정리정돈된)



As I entered my 40s, I started to become more interested in investment strategies.

When you enter your 40s, you will get more repsonsibility.

When you enter your 40s, you will have more responsibilities.

As I entered my 40s, I got my heart changed.

I had a change of heart as I entered my 40s.

*have a change of heart 심경의 변화가 생기다


He continues to earn a tidy profit by trading stocks.

The company recorded a tidy profit despite of COVID-19.

The company earned a tidy profit despite the coronavirus.


I've started to take his investment advice, and put it into action.

Unless we put it into action, any plan has no meaning.

A plan is useless unless we put it into action. 



A: What do you usually watch on Youtube?

B: I am really into channels related to stock investments.

A: I see. I most watch channels that introduce movies.

B: It's nice to have access to all these youtube content these days

A: I think so, too.

B: I like sincere Youtubers who are straight shooters.



1. 40대가 되면서 크게 달라진 것이 없다.

   As I enter my 40s, nothing has tremendously changed.

   Not much has changed since I entered my 40s.


2. 내 친구는 암호화폐를 통해서 상당한 수익을 냈다.

 My friend earned a tidy profit through cryptocurrencies.

 My friend earned a tidy profit through cryptocurrency.


3. 나 그것을 실행할 준비가 아직 안됐어.

   I haven't got ready to put it into action yet.

   I am not ready to put it into action.


4. 요즘 K-POP에 심취한 사람들이 많다.

   There are many people who are really into K-POP.

   A lot of people are really into K-POP.


5. 아버지는 항상 말씀을 솔직하고 진솔하게 하셨다.

   My fathter was always a straight shooter.

   My dad has always been a straight shooter.

