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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.03.17.Wed] 입이 트이는 영어 Movie: Green Book

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 17.

receive rave reviews, an award winning film, award winner, moving, a heart-warming movie, a family-friendly movie

[Speaking] Talk about the movie Green Book.
Sometimes, you watch a movie with low expectations, and it turns out to be really fun and moving. For me, one of those movies was Green Book. The movie features two main characters. There is a black piano prodigy who exudes class and a rough-talking and coarse white man. The two set off on a concert tour to the American South. Everywhere they go, they experience social discrimination against black people.
The black pianist fights tooth and nail against such racism, but his fight isn’t violent, or vulgar. By forgiving and embracing other people, he is able to change their minds. The two main characters are at odds throghout the movie. But by the end of the movie, they warmly greet each other on Christmas Eve like family.
*feature 선보이다.
*prodigy: 타고난 재능을 갖고 있는 천재,
*exude 엄청나게 흘러넘치는
*coarse 거친 세련되지 않은
*be at odds 대립하다
*vulgar 저속한 천박한

The movie turned out to be really fun and moving.
The restaurant turned out to be much better than I *had expected.
The information we received turned out to be false.
The information we got turned out to be false.

The black pianist fights tooth and nail against the racism
The two teams fighted tooth and nail toward the Victory Cup.
The two teams fought tooth and nail in the final match.

The main character was able to change people’s mind.
Whatever I said, he won`t change his mind.
No matter what you said, he won`t change his mind.
I changed my mind after reading the movie`s testimonials.
I changed my mind after reading that review.

A:Have you seen the movie, “Green Book”?
B: No. I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Is it good?
A: I didn’t have high expectations but I was pleasantly surprised.
B: Is it a family-friendly movie?
A: It is. It’s really heart-warming.
B: I’ll take your word for it, and watch it with my family weekend.

1. 알고보니 시험이 내가 생각했던 것보다 더 쉬웠다.
The exam turned out to be easier than I had thought.
The test turned out to be easier than I had thought.

2. 주차할 자리를 찾으려면 치열하게 경쟁해야 돼
We shoud fight tooth and nail to find a parking slot.
You have to fight tooth and nail to find a parking space.

3. 내가 어떻게 하면 네 생각이 달라지겠니?
What do I have to do to change your mind?
What can I do to change your mind?

4. 별로 맛이 없을 줄 알았는데, 의외로 맛있어서 놀았어
I thought it was not so delicious, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I didn’t think it would be very tasty, but I was pleasantly surprised.

5. 오늘 신문에서 마음이 따뜻해지는 기사를 읽었어
I read a heart-warming article in the today’s newspaper.
I read a heart-warming article in the newspaper today.

