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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.03.30.Tue]입이 트이는 영어 Raising insects at home (caterpillars)

by Namaskara 2021. 3. 30.

나방: moth
곤충: insect
유충/애벌레: caterpillar
방생하다: set them free

[Speaking] Talk about your experience of raising insects at home.
Last autumn, my father caught two caterpillars from a tree in front of my home. He put them in a specimen case for his grandson. I had my doubts about raising them properly at home. But my son was so interested in nature that we decided to give it a go and raise the moth larvae.

The green caterpillars fed on tree leaves and grew bigger and bigger. Observing them with my son was unexpectedly fun. In the past, bugs gave me the creeps. But after seeing them so often, they even looked a little cute.

The caterpillars later turned brown, and burrowed underground where they made their cocoons. One morning about a month later, we found two pretty moths sitting outside the dirt. My son was beside himself, seeing the moths we has had raised ourselves. We carefully let the moths go. Seeing them fly away, I had a lump in my throat.

metamorphosis 환골탈태
cocoon 번데기/고치
larva 유충/애벌레(단수형), larvae(복수형)
specimen case: 채집통 critter cage

give it a go 시도해 보다
We decided to give it a go and raise the moths larvae
You should give it a go, otherwise you might regret it.
You should at least give it a go, or you will regret it later.

give someone the creeps 혐오감을 느끼게 하다
In the past, bugs gave me the creeps.
The place gives me the creeps.

have a lump in one's throat 목이 메다, 뭉쿨하다
Seeing the moths fly away, I had a lump in my throat.
I had a lump in my throat, when my father said congratulation remarks.
I had a lump in my throat, when my dad congratulated me.

A: Is that an insect you're raising over there?
B: Yes. Our daughter is raising a caterpillar for educational purposes.
A: Really?
B: That's right. The larva becomes a pupa. Later, it emerges as a moth.
A: So you're keeping tabs on the entire process.
B: Yes. Our daughter really gets kick out of it. She seems to get a lot out of it.


1. 나는 한 번 더 시도해보기로 결심했다.
I decided to give it a go one more time.

2. 저 영화를 본 후로, 나는 광대를 보면 무서워
After I watched the movie, the clown gives me the creeps.
After I watched that movie, clowns give me the creeps.

3. 아들 졸업식에서 목이 메었다.
I had a lump in my throat in my son's graduation ceremony.
I had a lump in my throat at my son's graduation.

4. 부모님께서는 내가 어디에 있는지 늘 확인하셨다.
My parents always kept tabs on where I was.

5. 네가 보내 준 그 링크 정말 재미있게 봤어.
I really got a kick out of the link you sent me.
I really got a kick out of that link you sent me.

