H: Hello and welcome back everyone! We are kicking off another brand new month. It is April.
J: Hello! welcome back everyone! Happy April. Thanks for tuning in to 입트영.
[Speaking] Talk about your perception of Money
There is probably not a soul in the world who does not like money.
Money isn't the be-all and end-all of life, but no one can deny that it makes life more comfortable. Money takes up a large part of our lives. But We have to keep in mind that money is not the final goal in life. But it's merely a means to an end. When we come to terms with this idea, we can lead happier lives with our loved ones. That's the reason we work so hard every day.
But as money becomes the end goal, various crimes take place every day. Voice-phishing, confidence schemes, and robberies all take place because of money. Money both can save and end lives. To lead a successful life, we must become masters of money, not its slaves. We should always think about which side we belong to.
*means 수단
*come to terms with 받아들이다 accept
*confidence schemes 사기
*robberies 강도
Money isn't the be-all and end-all of life.
Winning isn't the be-all and end-all of sports.
Winning isn't the be-all and end-all in sports.
Some students consider entering college the be-all and end-all in their study.
Some students think getting into college is the be-all and end-all of their studies.
Money takes up a large part of our lives.
Caring kids takes up a large part of my daily routine.
Taking care of my children takes up a large part of my day.
Household chores take up a large part of my weekend.
Doing household chores took up a large part of my weekend.
When we come to terms with this idea, we can lead a happier lives.
I can't come to terms with the break-up.
I still haven't come to terms with our break-up
A: People who *are well off must really have it easy
B: I suppose that their lives are somewhat comfortable.
A: But money isn't everything, right?
B: Of course. Having a lot of money doesn't guarantee happiness.
A: I think so, too.
B: I think if earning money was your life's goal, you would be very unhappy.
*be well off 경제적으로 여유가 있다.
1. 그는 마치 돈이 삶의 전부인 것처럼 행동해.
He acts as if money is the be-all and end-all of life.
He acts as if money were the be-all and end-all of life.
2. 비용 중 인건비가 큰 비중을 차지했다.
Labor cost took up a large part of cost.
Labor costs took up a large part of expenses.
3. 나이가 들면서 나는 한때 나를 괴롭혔던 것들을 받아들이고 있다.
As getting older, I am coming to terms with something that once bothered me.
As I grow older, I am coming to terms with things that once bothered me.
4. 많은 사람들이 돈이 전부가 아니라고 말하는 것을 듣게 된다.
Many people are told that money isn`t everything.
We hear that many people say that money isn't everything.
5. 내가 어릴 때는 대학에 입하는 것이 인생의 목표였다
When I was young, getting into college was my life's goal.
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