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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.04.06.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Blood Donation

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 6.


J : It's rewarding when you donate blood. So you feel good about it but what's even more meaningful is that you are helping someone out

L : You can save somebody's life. 

J : You can save somebody's life, someone who happens to be in an emergency situation, or who urgently needs blood. You are there to help save lives.

L : They also say it's good for your health as well because you get your blood tested for basic stuff and your body reproduces blood anyway. So it could be good for you to donate blood on a regular basis. That's what we also talk about.


[Speaking] Describe your experience of giving blood.

In December of last year, I visited a blood donation center and donated blood for the 55th time. I received a silver badge for my 30th donation and a gold badges for my 50th. To tell the truth, I donated blood at first because they gave away freebies like gift certificates and movie tickets. But as the number of donations piled up, I started gunning for silver and gold badges. These days, I give blood on the regular, about 4 to 5 times each year.


You can make an appointment to donate blood. If you don`t, you have to take a number and wait for your turn. When they call your number, they check your ID, take your blood pressure, and run a blood test. If you have registered your fingerprints, you don't need your ID. Donating blood is its own reward but you also get a certificate and a free gift.  That makes giving blood a twofer. You can help others and receive a gift.


*freebies 무료 상품권

*gun: make it start or go faster

*gun for something: ~을 목표로 열심히 하다.

*twofer: 일석이조/일거양득



I donate blood on the regular.

I e-mailed the friend on the regular.

I sent her emails on the regular.

I have to get my car inspected on the regular.

You need to get your car inspected on the regular


If you didn't make a reservation, you need to take a number and wait.

If you didn't make a reservation, you have to take a number and wait.

We had to take a number because it was quite a popular restaurant.

It's such a popular restaurant that you have to take a number.


Donating blood is its own reward.

Raising kids is its own reward.

Raising children is its own reward.

Doing volunteer work is its own reward.



A: Have you ever donated blood? 

B: Sure. I do it a couple of times each year.

A: Oh, I see. Where do you usually go to donate?

B: There's a blood donation center near my office.

A: I've heard that donating blood is good for you.

B: So I hear. They say it gives a boost to your health.

* So I hear 나도 그렇게 들었어요



1. 우리는 주기적으로 만나서 일에 대한 이야기를 나눈다.

   We meet on the regular to discuss our work.

   We meet on the regular to talk about our work.


2. 은행이 붐벼서 대기 번호표를 뽑아야 했다.

   It was quite crowded at a bank that I had to take a number.

   The bank was busy, and I had to take a number


3. 봉사 활동은 그 자체만으로도 보람이 있다.

   Doing volunteer work is its own reward.


4. 엘비베이터를 타는 대신 계단으로 걸어 올라가면 건강에 좋다.

   Taking up stairs instead of the elavator is good for you.

   Walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator is good for you.


5. 생각지도 못했던 보너스 덕분에 우리는 기분이 좋아졌다.

   The unexpected bonus gaves a boost to our emotions.

   The unexpected bonus gave a boost to our mood.

