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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.04.09.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 Disco Music

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 11.

It is a music genre. Some people say it is old fashioned. But it is actually making a comeback, becoming popular and become trendy these days, so very very popular and I like most of the disco music. The rhythm, the music itself, is very up beat
Almost naturally when I hear disco music, my finger`s pointing out

[Speaking] Talk about Disco Music
Disco music is a genre of pop music which uses a fast-paced and up beat rhythm. It became famous when the 1977 movie, Saturday night fever starring John Travolta, was a huge box office hit worldwide. The high intensity movements of Disco dance routines became popular among young people in Korea starting in 1979.

Later, disco moved on to become house disco. House disco is easy to dance along to, thanks to its approachable melodies. It contains fewer mechanical elements than techno. To this day, many singers produce and sing disco style songs. BTS`s “Dynamite” and JYP`s “When we disco” are examples of disco songs that have hit it big lately. It appears that disco craze is making a comeback.
fast-paced 속도감이 있고
box office hit 흥행한 영화
high intensity movement 격렬한 동작
move on = continue
move on to A 결국 A가 되었다. 옮겨가면서 발전하는 느낌 (it wasn`t changed to)
approachable 다가갈 수 있는/대중적인
to this day 오늘 날까지
hit it big 크게 흥행 (That sone hit it big 5 years ago)

House disco is easy to dance along to, thanks its approachable melodies.
This singer`s song is easy to dance along to.
I like to the singer because her songs are easy to dance along to.
The song is easy to dance along to but its relics are sad.
The song is easy to dance along to but the lyrics are surprisingly sad.
*surprisingly 의외로

Many disco songs have hit it big lately.
그 그룹이 결국에는 크게 인기를 끌 줄 나는 알고 있었다.
I`ve known the group ends up hitting it big.
I knew that group would hit it big eventually

It appears the disco craze is making a comeback.
The singer made a comeback with a retro music.
The singer made a comeback with a retro-style song.
I hope the skinny jeans make a comeback.

A: What is the song you`re listening to?
B: Oh. This is a new release. It’s all the rage these days
A: It has a very lively beat. It`s getting me pumped up.
B: Yes. It`s a disco-style song. I like the lyrics, too.
A: Can you send me the title of the song? I want to listen to it.
B: Sure. I`ll send you the link right now.

1. 가사는 못 알아듣겠지만, 이 노래는 춤을 따라 추기엔 쉽다.
I can`t catch up with the lyrics, but this song is easy to dance along to.
I don`t understand the lyrics, but this song is easy to dance along to.

2. 그녀의 두번째 소설은 크게 성공하지 못 했다.
Her second novel couldn`t hit it big.
Her second novel didn`t hit it big.

3. 그 배우는 그 영화를 통해 재기했다.
The actor made a comeback with the movie.
The actor made a comeback with that movie.

4. 올 봄에는 이 립스틱 색깔이 유행이다.
This color of a lipstick is all the rage this spring.
This lipstick color is all the rage this spring.

5. 나는 이 장면을 볼 때마다 기분이 좋아
Whenever I watch this scene, it gets me pumped up.
This scene always gets me pumped up.

