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[2021.04.13.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Expressways and Highways 고속도로와 자동차 전용도로

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 13.

[Speaking] Talk about Expressways and Highways

When I commuted to work in the past, I had to cut through the downtown area of the city. It took a long time, even though it was only a short distance. But these days, there is an expressway that circles around the outer part of the city. It's been a huge time-saver for my commute.


Because the flow of traffic is good, some cars sometimes go over the speed limits. So, there are speed cameras here and there, as well as average speed cameras. In those areas, you can`t drive any faster than 90km/hr on average.


There are also several eco bridges for animals across the expressway.

Sometime, you can come across roadkill incidents.

Seeing those animals drives home why the eco bridges are needed.


cut through 관통하다

average speed cameras 구간 속도 카메라

drive home : make you think about something

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