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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.04.15.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Republic of Korea Marine Corps 대한민국 해병대

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 15.

[Keyword] serve in the military, I was a marine(해병대 출신일 경우), Marine corps, mandatory,
marine spirit 해병대 정신, (can-do spirit 할 수 있다는 긍정적인 마음 자세)

[Speaking] Talk about the Repbulic of Korea Marine Corps (ROKMC)
The ROMKC was founded on April 15th 1949. The branch was created because the need emerged for troops that could perform landing missions. It was a small branch at first, with only 380 soilders. But they overcame difficulties and strengthened their foundation based on the tough Marine spirit. The marin fought bravely during the Korean War, earning the nickname “ghost killers.” They continued to distinguish themselves later on as they were deployed in the Vietnam War.

The marines were disbanded in 1973 due to a military reorganization. But the headquaters of ROK Marin corps was re-establised in November of 1987. And Marine Corps commandant’s right to command was restored in 1990. Korea’s marine corps today is comprised of the best of the best. They perform an important role on the front lines of national security.

*the need emerged 필요성이 대두되다
*landing missions 상륙작전
*branch (군의) 병과
*distinguish 두각을 나타내다
*deploly 파병
*disband 해체하다
*on the front lines 최전선에서

