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[2021.04.19.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Ransomware 랜섬웨어

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 19.


ransom: money you will pay someone who is, for example, holding someone hostage.

malware 악성코드


[Speaking] Talk about Ransomware

Ransomware is a compound word, combining ransom and software. It causes computer systems to be infected with malicious code. Then it blocks off access and demands a ransom. An infected affected computer is bricked so the user could really shoulder a loss. Some ransomwares use data encryption and prevent access to stored data.

Other types simply lock up the computer and show instructions how to pay up. Ransomware is among the most dangerous types of computer viruses. Often they are immune to vaccines. This means users must be extra-careful. You should never, under any circumstances, download an app or a program you can't trust. It's also important to regularly update vaccine programs. 


malicious 악의적인;사악한

block off 막다

be bricked 딱딱해진다 -> 차단된다

shoulder a loss 피해를 입다

encryption 암호화

lock up the person 사람을 감옥에 가두다.

lock up the computer 컴퓨터를 (사용못하게) 막아버리다.

pay up 돈을 내다

demand a ransom 몸값을 요구하다



Ransomware causes computer systems to be infected with malicious code.

I had a high fever when I was infected with that virus.


The user could really shoulder a loss.

Our company shouldered a loss in the previous quarter.

Our company shouldered a loss last quarter.

반칙cheat을 할 바에는 차라리 피해를 입고 말겠다.

I'm willing to shoulder a loss rather than violating the rules.

I would rather should a loss than cheat.


You should never, under any circumstances, download a program you can't trust.

You should never, under any circumstances, share your password.

You should never share your password, under any circumstances.



A: My computer has been infected with ransomware.

B: Really? How would that happen?

A: It was my bad. I downloaded something I shouldn't have

B: Does that mean the virus bricked your laptop?

A: Yeah. They're demanding a ransom over $1,000 to unlock it.

B: That's a big problem. You must be at your wit's end.

*be one's wit's end 이러지도 저러지도 못할 딜레마 같은 상황



1. 나 뭔가에 감염된 것 같애

   I think I am infected with something.

   I think I have been infected with something.


2. 나는 내 친구를 돕기 위해 손해를 감수했다.

   I shouldered a loss to help my friend.


3. 어떠한 경우에도 음주 운전은 절대로 해서는 안된다

   Under any circumstnaces, drunk driving should never be done. 

   Under any circumstnaces, you should never drink and drive. 


4. 새로운 업데이트 때문에 휴대폰이 먹통이 될 수도 있어

   A new update could brick a mobile phone.

  The new update might brick your phone.


5. 딸 아이가 울음을 그치지 않아서 어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠다.

   I was at my wit's end because my daughter stopped crying.

   I am at my wit's end because my daughter won't stop crying.

