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[2021.04.20.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Newlywed Life. 신혼생활

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 20.

[Brainstorming] married couple, newlywed신혼부분 honeymoon period, see eye-to eye같은 생각을 한다.

[Speaking] Talk about your newlywed Life
I lived with my parents before I tied the knot. Living with my husband after we got married took some getting used to at first. Two people with different backgrounds had to adjust to each other so we had to talk it out a lot.

We are a double-income couple, so first we hashed out the details of dividing the household chores. For example, my husband gets off work earlier, so he cooks dinner and clean up and do the dishes. After dinner, we watch TV together, or enjoy some alon time separately.

On weekends, we do the housework that we put off and clean the house thoroughly. Then we cook something delicious or play games together. Staying indoors becasue of COVID 19 has made us feel pent-up but I am happy to spend my days at home with my husband.

talk it out 대화로 풀다.
take some getting used to 어색하다/적응이 필요하다
hash out 상의하다(얘기해서 결정하다)
get off work 퇴근하다
feel pent-up: 뭔가 억눌린 느낌

Living with my husband took some getting used to at first.
The new software takes some getting used.
그거(타이트한 핏) 입어봐야 적응될거야
The tight fit takes some getting used to if you put it on

We had to talk it out a lot
서로 싸우지 말고 대화로 풀어봅시다
Let’s talk it out, not fight
Instead of arguing, we should try to talk it out.
미팅이 정말 오래 동안 지속됐는데, 합의점을 찾지 못 했습니다.
The meeting lasted for a long time, but we weren’t able to talk it out

We are a double-income couple.
These days, a double-income couple is way common.
Double income couples are much more common these days.

A: How long has it been since you tied the know?
B: It’s been 2 months now.
A: Oh~~ You’re still newlyweds
B: That’s right. It still hasn’t sunk in.
A: You must be making a lot of adjustments to live together.
B: Sure. We come from different backgrounds. Sometimes we don’t see eye to eye.
*sunk in : 실감이 안난다 doesn’t feel realy

1. 우리의 새집이 더 작아서 적응하는데 시간이 좀 걸렸다.
Our new smaller house took some getting used to.
Our new house was smaller, so it took some getting used to.

2. 우리는 대화로 풀어내지 못해서 헤어졌다.
We weren’t able to talk it out to break up.
We were unable to talk it out, so we broke up.

3. 친구들은 우리가 맞벌이 부부라서 돈을 많이 번다고 생각한다.
My friends think we earn a lot of money as a double-income couple.
My friends think we earn a lot of money because we are a double-income couple.

4. 나는 합격을 한 후에도 한동안 실감이 나지 않았다.
It hasn’t sunk in for a while since I passed the test.
Even after I was accepted, I didn’t sink in for a while.

5. 우리는 서로 의견이 일치하는 경우가 드물다.
We rarely see eye to eye.


20.03.05.목 We don't see eye to eye. 우린 의견이 안 맞아. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

** see eye to eye 눈에 눈을 보다 => 눈과 눈이 마주치다 => 의견이 일치하다 A: 가끔 우린 의견이 안 맞아. We don’t see eye to eye sometimes. Sometimes we don’t see eye to eye . B: 그녀한테 좀 잘 해..



