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[2021.04.12.Mon]입이 트이는 영어 Charging Stations for Electric Cars 전기차 충전소

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 12.

[Speaking] Talk about Electric Cars` Charging Stations.

Cars with internal combustion engines that run on gasoline and diesel are a major cause of air pollution. That`s why eco-friendly elecric or hydrogen cars are being touted as the means of transportation for the future. You can receive government subsidies when you buy these cars, and their prices are dropping. This has made them more popular among buyers. Light blue license plates exclusively for electric cars are much more common on the road now.


As more people drive electric cars, ramping up the number of charging stations is of utmost importance. There should also be more designated parking spaces in apartment parking lots and community centers when owners can juice up their cars. Many ordinary cars are parked in those spaces because parking is a hassle. This is another aspect that could use improvement.


be touted as  부각/각광/관심 받다

subsidy 보조금

ramp: 고속도로의 출구, 타고 올라가는

ramp up:  뭔가를 크게 빠른 속도로 증가시키다.

juice up: 충전하다.

hassle: something very troublesome or bothersome 번거로움

could use improvement 개선의 여지가 있다.




be touted as

Electric cars are being touted as the cars in the future.

그 회사는 혁신을 이끄는 주요회사로 각광받고 있다.

The company is being touted as a leading innovative entity.

The company has been touted as a major innovator

그들은 차세대 대형 팝스타로 각광받고 있다.

They have been touted as the big pop star of the next generation.

They are being touted as the next big pop stars.


something is very important = be of utmost importance.

Increasing the number of charging stations is of utmost importance.

Team work in this project is of utmost importance.

Team work is of utmost importance for this project.

Quick shipment is of utmost importance in the online shopping

In online shopping, quick delivery is of utmost importance.


could use improvement 개선의 여지가 있다.

This is another apsect that could use improvement.

The company`s website could use improvement.

His pronunciation could use improvement.

He could use improvement on his pronunciation.



A: How long does it take to juice up the electric car?

B: It took ages in the past.

A: Does it take less time now?

B: The latest models take much less time.

A: It must be because of advances in battery tech.

B: That`s right. Charging stations are becoming more common, too.



1. 그는 역대 of all time 가장 위대한 감독 중 한명이라고 각광을 받았다.

  He has been touted as one of the greatest directors in the history.

  He has been touted as one of the greatest directors of all time.


2. 환경 오염pollution을 줄이는 일은 상당히 중요하다

   Reducing environmental contamination is of utmost important.

   Reducing environmental pollution is of utmost important.


3. 그 음식점의 후식은 개선의 여지가 있다.

   The restaurant could use improvement on its desserts.

   The restaurant`s desserts could use improvement on its desserts.


4. 나는 집을 나서기 전에 휴대폰 충전하는 것을 깜빡 잊었다.

   I forgot juicing up my mobile phone before I left home.

   I forgot to juice up my phone before I left home.


5. 최신 기종들은 카메라가 더 좋아졌다.

   The latest models are equipped with better cameras.

   The latest models have better cameras.

