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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.04.05.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Morning Person

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 5.


H: Are you a morning person?

J : I knew that you're gonna ask me that question. I am definitely not, absolutely not, a morning person

H: Okay

J : But it was once one of my new year`s resolutions. I guess I become more of a morning person to wake up a little earlier than usual, I guess, to spend a more productive day in the end.

H: Because a lot of people say that there are a lot of benefits of being a morning person, perhaps.

J : If you wake up early, wake up bright and early, at the break of dawn, so I mean just get out of bed and get started early, get things done and many more things done during the day and I am hoping to meditate in the morning.

H: You can really become a morning person.


[Speaking] Talk about being a Morning Person.

There were many rules to follow when I was in elementary school. I had get to school by a certain time and write a book report everyday. So it became more conveninet my chores out of the way in advance. I started waking up early to get things done. Now getting up early has become a habit.


I saw a TV program about a lawyer who gets the day started 4:30 each morning. The lawyer says he drinks a tea and listens to music, and writes down his thoughts in the morning. He said the reason was that there were fun TV shows at night, and he wanted to spend time with his family. The morning is mornings were his only chance to for some alone time.


I could really relate to those words. Whenever I put off doing things until the evening, I usually can't finish everything I planned. Having some time for myself early in the morning when everyone else is still in sleep asleep is the way to go for a more productive day. 

