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[2021.04.27.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Korea's Healthcare System 한국의 건강 보험 시스템

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 27.

[Keyword]insurance plan, private insurance, ease the burden

[Speaking] Talk about Korea’s Healthcare system.
Korea’s medical health system is the envy of the world. In most cases, you can receive treatments at a clinic or a hospital, and it won’t break the bank. That’s why people think nothing of visiting a clinic even for light cold symptoms.

In contrast, medical insurance in the States is mostly provided by private companies. This makes medical fees far more expensive than in Korea. That’s why many Koreans who reside temporarily in the U.S. put off seeing a doctor and rely on over-the-counter medication. When they need serious treatments like going under the knife, they often wait until they return to Korea.

But even in Korea, there are several treatments that aren’t covered by health insurance. I hope that more and more items will eventually receive insurance coverage

*the envy of ~ 선망의 대상이다.
*think nothing of 대수롭지 않게 생각하다
*over the counter medication
*go under the knife: 수술받다

break the bank ; cost an arm and a leg.
In most cases, going to a clinic or a hospital won’t break the bank.
Fixing a car could break the bank.
그리 필요하지 않은 물건에 너무 많은 비용을 지불하고 싶지는 않습니다.
I wouldn’t like to break the bank for an unnecessary item.
I don’t want to break the bank for something I don’t really need.

think nothing of
People think nothing of visiting a clinic even for light cold symptoms.
나는 예전에는 밤새는 것을 그리 대수롭게 여기지 않았다.
I used to think nothing of all night.
I used to think nothing of staying up all night.
그녀는 한밤중에 먹는 걸 대수롭게 생각하지 않는다.
She thinks nothing of eating something at mid-night.
She thinks nothing of eating in the middle of the night.

get surgery; under go surgery; go under the knife
나는 수술을 받고나서 한달 간 출근하지 않았다 miss a month of work
I had a rest for a month after going under the knife.
I missed a month of work after going under the knife.

다행히 thankfully 저는 수술을 받을 필요까지는 없었습니다.
Fortunately, I didn’t need to go under the knife
Thankfully, I didn’t have to go under the knife.

A: Have you signed up for any extra health insurance plans?
B: Yes. I have *a major illness insurance. 중대질병보험
A: I have an insurance that covers actual expenses. 실비
B: I’ve heard good things about that.
A: That’s right. It helps ease the burden of medical bills 의료비용
B: I should look into that.
* look into 살펴보다.

1. 좋은 노트북을 구입하는 데 비용을 많이 들일 필요가 없다
It’s not necessary to break the bank for a good laptop.
You don’t need to break the bank to buy a good laptop

2. 그는 매일 아이들의 저녁 식사를 준비하는 것을 대수롭지 않게 여긴다
He thinks nothing of cooking dinner for kids every day.
He thinks nothing of preparing dinner for his children every day.

3. 약이 효력이 없어서 나는 수술을 받아야 했다.
I had to go under the knife because the medicine didn’t work.
The meddicine didn’t work so I had to go under the knife.

4. 나는 그 영화가 아주 괜찮다고 들은 적이 있어
I’ve heard good things about that movie.

5. 우리는 아들이 다닐 학교를 알아보고 있다.
We are looking into a school for our son.
We are looking into schools for our son to attend

