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[2021.04.29.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 DIY Hobbies

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 29.

[Speaking] Talk about DIY Hobbies
DIY is short for Do It Yourself. It refers to products like furniture that consumers assemble for themselves. People have been spending time at home a lot more recently because of COVID-19. So hobbies that can be enjoyed from home are on the rise. This has made DIY a hot trend. You can find a lot of DIY items at bookstores. Painting kits and miniature models of houses are some good examples. Miniature house model kits include paper, wire, wood, and plastic. Users cut and paste them together to create small, intricately detailed rooms. You spend quality time with your kids and even get a pretty model house as a result. You can also add light bulbs to create a cosy atmosphere. DYI products help users enjoy pastimes this way.

intricately 세밀한 세세한
spend quality time 양질의 시간을 보내다
pastime 취미

for 재귀대명사: (남의 도움을 받지 않고) 직접
Consumers assembly products like furniture for themselves.
I want to see it for myself.
I tried cooking the food for myself.
I tried cooking the dish for myself.
요리 dish

paste [something] together 풀로 같이 붙이다.
Users cut and paste the pieces together.
화병을 좀 깼는데, 조각을 풀로 좀 붙였다.
I broke a vase but I pasted the pieces together by a glue.
I broke a vase but I was able to paste the pieces together.
아들이 종이 조각을 풀로 붙여서 꽃을 만들었다.
My son made a flower by pasting paper pieces together
My son pasted pieces of paper together to make a flower.

spend quality time 양질의 시간을 보내다;뜻깊은 시간을 보내다
집에서 좀 더 의미있는 시간을 보낼 수 있는 기회라고 생각해보렴
Try to think an apportunity of spending quality time at home.
Try to think of it as a chance to spend quality time at home.
휴가 기간동안 가족들과 뜻깊은 시간을 보낼 수가 있었다
I was about to spend quality time with my family during my vacation.

A: There seem to be a bunch of DIY items these days.
B: Yeah. There are so many DIY kits.
A: Have you tried your hand at any of them?
B: I tried making candles by hand at home.
A: Oh really?
B: The kits were all-inclusive. I remeber having a great time making them.
*try one’s hand at; give it a go 직접 해보다

1. 나는 그것들을 직접 해보기 전에는 이해하지 못했어
I was not able to understand it until I did it for myself.

2. 조각들을 다시 풀로 붙이지는 못할 것 같아
I don’t think I can paste the pieces together again.

3. 나는 주말에 아이들과 뜻깊은 시간을 보냈다.
I spent quality time with my kids last weekend.

4. 주방장이 국수를 손으로 직접 만든다
The chef makes the noodles by hand

5. 여행 패키지에 모든 것이 포함되어 있다.
The tour package is all-inclusive.
The travel package is all-inclusive.

