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[2021.04.30.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 My trip to Europe

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 30.

[Speaking]Talk about a trip you took through Europe

In 2016, I travelled for a month through 9 eastern European countries with 3 friends in their late 60s. We leased a small car and took turns driving to get around. We had a hard time because we hadn’t done enough research in advance about the area, and we didn’t English fluently. Still, we were able to finish our trip without incident thanks to the friendly locals.
The rural areas of Europe that we saw during the trip were very picturesque We envied the vast open fields and the way the natural environment had been preserved. Driving on the arrow-straight roads was also a fantastic experience. During our trip through Europe, we felt a sense of release from our grinding rountines. We also strengthened our friendship with each other.
take turns ~ing 교대로 ~하다
get around: move around one place to another
without incidents 무탈하게
picturesque한폭의 그림과 같은
vast open fields 광활하게 펼쳐진 대지
vast ocean 광활한 바다
arrow-straight roads (화살처럼) 곧게 쭉 뻗은 도로
a sense of release 해방감
grinding 힘든
grinding routine 힘든 일상


without incident 별일없이;무사히
We were able to finish our trip without incident
집에 별일없이 잘 도착했다
We got home without incident.
We got back home without incident.
초반에 실수를 제외하면, 전반적으로 프로젝트가 무사히 마무리되었다.
Except for the initial mistakes, the project was over without incident.
Except for an early mistake, we finished the project without incident.

a sense of release 해방감
During our trip through Europe, we felt a sense of release.
적어도 방학 기간 만큼은 학생들이 해방감을 느껴야 한다고 생각한다.
I think the student should feel a sense of release at least during a school vacation.
I think students should feel a sense of release at least during the vacation.
학기가 끝나고 드디어 해방감이 느껴졌다.
I finally felt a sense of release when the semester was over.
I felt a sense of realse when I finally finished the semester.

grinding 힘든(반복되고 힘든)
During our trip through Europe, we were able to escape our grinding routines.
내가 좀 힘든 일상이 있지만, 우리 아이들 때문에 버틴다
I am in a grinding routine but I sustain it for my kids.
I endure my grinding routines because of my kids.


A: I wish the coronavirus would be over with, so that I can travel again.
B: You sait it.
A: I remember backpacking through Europe 3 years ago.
B: Which regions stands out the most?
A: I especially remember Nice in the south of France. I camped outside in the moonlight and gazed out at the Mediterranean
B: Wow, that sounds wonderful.
be over with 끝내다;종식되다
stand out 머리 속에 떠오르다; 눈에 띄다
gaze out at 멀리 응시하다; 물끄러미 바라보다

1. 나는 발표를 무사히 마무리했다
I completed my presentation without incident.
I completed the presentation without incident.

2. 우리는 시험이 끝나자 해방감을 느꼈다.
We felt a sense of release when the exam was over.
We felt a sense of release when the text was over.

3. 나는 대학교 이후의 힘든 일상에 대한 준비가 안 되어 있었다
I was not prepared for the grinding routine after college.

4. 그 식당은 애피타이저들이 특히 맛있어
The apetizers at the restaurant stand out the most.
The appetizers at that restaurant stand out the most.

5. 우리는 모래에 앉아 파도를 물끄러니 바라보았다.
We sat on the sand and gazed out at the waves.
We sat in the sand and gazed out at the waves.

