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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.04.28.Wed] 입이 트이는 영어 Admiral Yi Sun-sin 이순신 장군

by Namaskara 2021. 4. 28.

[Speaking] Talk about Admiral Yi Sun-sin

Throughout history, there have been thriving exchanges between Korea and Japan. But the two countries also bumped heads in several wars.


A major example of Japanese invasion of Korea was the 임진 war in 1592. With violent force, Japanese troops marched on Joseon.

At the time, Admiral Yi Sun-sin was the commander of the naval forces in Jeolla provice. He notched many victories in naval battles against the Japanese. In doing so, he cut off the enemy's supply chain and changed the course of the war. In the battle of 명량, he sank hundreds of enemy ships despite being outnumbered with just over 10 ships.

Sadly, he died in battle during his last fight against the enemy.

Admiral Yi Sun-sin's loyalty, courage, and resolute spirit still resonate with people today. He is one of the most deeply admired historical figures of all time in Korea


thrive 활발한 That industry is thriving. 

bump head 서로 

naval forces 해군

notch 달성하다

in doing so ~ 하면서

supply chain 보급망

change the course of the war 전세를 역전시키다

sink (물에) 가라앉게 하다

loyalty 충정

resolute 의지에 찬 결의에 찬

resolute spirit 굳은 의지

resonate 울림을 준다



The two counries also bumped heads in several wars.

나는 어렸을 때, 누나들하고 많이 싸웠다.

My elder sisters and I bumped heads many times when I was young.

My sisters and I often bumped heads when we were kids.

우린 친한 친구지만 때론 의견 충돌이 있을 때도 있어

We sometimes bump heads even though we are close.

We are good friends but we sometimes still bump heads.


change the course of the war 판세를 역전시키다

Admiral Yi's victory changed the course of the war.

The incident changed the course of my life.


resonate with 감흥을 주다;울림을 주다

Admiral Yi Sun-sin's loyalty, courage, resolute spirit still resonate with people today.

나는 그 장면이 정말 와 닿는다.

That scene really resonates with me.

This scene really resonates with me.

The professor's lecture resonated with the students.



A: Do you know what day is it today?

B: What day is it? I don't think it's a national holiday.

A: Today is the day admiral Yi Sun-sin was born.

B: Oh~ That's today. I have no idea.

A: He is one of the most highly respected historical figures in Korea.

B: That's right. There is even a statue of him towering over Sejong-ro.

   My heart swells up every time I see him



나는 그와 계속 다투게 돼 tend to

He and I tend to keep bumping heads.

I keep bumping heads with him.


 그 사건은 역사를 송두리째 바꿔놨어

The accident thoroughly changed the course of history.

The event changed the course of history.


그녀의 소설이 나에게 깊은 울림을 준다

Her novels resonate with me.


그는 그 분야에서 매우 존경받는 전문가이다

He is a highly respected expert in that field.


나는 이 장면을 볼 때마다 가슴이 벅차

My heart swells up eveytime I watch this scene.

