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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.05.04.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Subscription Economy 구독 경제

by Namaskara 2021. 5. 4.

Basically, this subscription economy we are talking about how we, I guess, pay we make one time registration for something and get delivery of products. So, basically, you will pay a subscription fee or a monthly fee and then you’ll get unlimited access to something for service

[Speaking] Talk about the subscription Economy
The subscription economy refers to economic acivities in which users pay a subscription fee for a certain time period and use various products or services. The term was made to cover online business models and consumer patterns. Simply put, it’s catch offer a catch-all for services similar to subscribing a newspaper or a magazine.
Users can be provided with products that they need in the subscription economy. For example, users of rental services can rent a cars, luxury brand clothing, and furniture for as long as they want.
There is also a the service subscription economy, which uses digital platforms. This includes content like movies, musics, games and ebooks. For most of these services, users can enjoy unlimited access if they pay a monthly fee.
구독경제는 사용자가 일정기간 구독료를 지불하고 다양한 상품이나 서비스를 이용하는 경제활동을 지칭한다. 이 용어는 온라인 사업모델과 소비형태를 통칭하기 위해 만들어졌다. 쉽게 말하면, 신문이나 잡지를 구독하는 것과 유사한 서비스를 총칭한다. 구독경제내에서 사용자는 필요한 물건을 제공받을 수 있다. 예를 들면, 대여 서비스 사용자들은 자동차, 명품의류, 가구 등의 상품을 원하는 기간만큼 빌리 수 있다. 또한 디지털 플랫폼을 이용하는 서비스형 구독경제도 있다. 여기에는 영화, 음악, 게임, 전자책 등과 같은 콘텐츠가 포함된다. 이러한 서비스는 대부분 월구독료를 내면 서비스를 무제한 이용할 수 있다.

refer to 지칭하다 talking about
catch-all 총칭하다

subscription fee 구독료
Users pay a subscription fee for a certain time period and use various products or services.
음악 스트리밍 서비스를 이용하기 위해서 나는 구독료를 낸다
I pay a subscription fee to use a music streaming service.
I pay a subscription fee for a music streaming service.
*free trial period 무료 체험 기간

be provided with 제공받다.
Users can be provided with products that they need in the subscription economy.
나는 처음시작했을 때 훈련 매뉴얼을 제공받았다.
I was provided with a trainning manual when I started at first.
I was provided with a trainning manual when I first started.
비행기에 타면 승객들에게 가벼운 간식이 제공된다
Passengers are provided with light snacks on board.
Passengers are provided with light snacks.

unlimited access 무제한 이용권
Users can enjoy unlimited access if they pay a monthly fee.
영화를 많이 보는 편이면, 무제한 요금제가 더 저렴할거예요.
If you watch movies a lot, unlimited access plan would be cheaper.
If you watch a lot of movies, the unlimited access plan would be cheaper.

F : Do you watch a lot of movies these days?
M: Me? I watch loads of them. I signed up for two OTT services.
F : Really? Two?
M: Yea, each platform has its own unique shows and movies.
F : I see. I haven’t subscribed to anything like that yet.
M: I highly recommend it. They really ease a lot to see.
I highly recommend it. There really is a lot to see.

2. 우리는 필요한 모든 것을 제공받았다
We were provided with everything that we needed.
We were provided with everything we need.
3. 실은 무제한 이용권을 구입하는 것이 더 저렴하다.
In fact, unlimited access is cheaper.
It’s actually cheaper to get unlimited access.

