[Introduction by Jennifer Clyde]
And you know what? This goes to tell how we have aged as well, I think. I think I can even more related to this story because I am a mother myself now so it's different from before I gave birth to my son and now I think there is a whole new meaning to the word "sacrifice." "sacrifice", in many casese, may have negative connotation to it, maybe used in negative siutations. But now I come to feel that sacrifice is such a powerful word that has a positive connotation to it and can be used in very positive situations.
[Speaking] Talk about Parents
Just hearing the word "mom" makes me choke up. | 나는 엄마라는 단어만 들어도 가슴이 먹먹해진다. |
During my adolescence, I hated watching my mom work so hard as she sacrificed everything for her kids. | 사춘기때, 자식을 위해서 모든 것을 헌신하고 힘들게 일하는 엄마를 지켜보는 것이 싫었다. |
I vowed to be different and dreamed of becoming a DINK couple. | 난 다르게 살 것이라고 다짐하고 딩크족을 꿈꿨다. |
But in the end, I got married and had three kids. | 그런데 결국 결혼했고 3명의 아이을 낳았다. |
Just like my mom, I gave my all to my kids as I raise them and worked at my job. | 아이들을 키우고 직장 생활을 하면서 나 역시 우리 엄마처럼 내 아이들에게 모든 것을 내줬다. |
My mom lives alone now. I want to be a source of energy for her in her twilight years. | 엄마는 지금 혼자 살고 계신다. 어머니가 남은 인생을 살아가시는 동안 내가 어머니삶의 원동력이 되어 드리고 싶다. |
I call her up often and tell her how much I love her. | 그래서 자주 전화드리고 얼마나 사랑하는지 말한다. |
Meanwhile I've raised my daughters as Alpha Girls. | 한편, 나는 내 딸뜰을 알파걸로 키웠다. |
I feel proud when I see them take charge of their lives. | 딸들이 의욕적으로 자신의 인생을 살아가는 걸 보면 자랑스럽다. |
I'm rooting for them to break the glass ceiling and soar higher and higher. | 나는 우리딸들이 유리천장을 뚫고 하늘 높이 비상하도록 응원하고 있다. |
*twilight years 노년기
*wedding vow 혼인서약
*at my job; doing my job well; the quality of doing a job
*choke up:(가슴이) 먹먹해지다; 숨이 잘 안 쉬어진다
I was so moved and choked up.
21.08.04.수_영국영어 I choked up a bit 난 목이 좀 메었어_ 감정에 북받쳐 울기 직전에는?
21.08.04.수_영국영어 I choked up a bit 난 목이 좀 메었어_ 감정에 북받쳐 울기 직전에는?
Today is Wednesday, the 4th of August. Why don’t you keep a folder of your proudest moments? Maintaining a collection of moments you are proud of can help you find inspiration for future projects...
우리자식들에게 난 엄마로서 모든 걸 다 해줬다
Just like my mom, I gave my all to my kids.
난 최선을 다했지만 합격하지 못했다 I was not accepted
I gave my all to the test but I couldn't pass it.
I gave my all but I wasn't accepted.
I feel proud when I see them take charge of their lives.
그녀는 참석하는 회의에 항상 의욕적으로 주도해나간다
She always takes charge of meetings she attends.
She takes charge of every meeting she attends.
I want my daughters to break the glass ceiling and soar higher and higher.
수동적인 마인드a passive mindset로는 유리천장을 뚫을 수 없습니다.
You can't break the glass ceiling with a passive attitude.
You can't break the glass ceiling with a passive mindset.
A: Tomorrow is Parents' Day.
B: That's right. I've prepared flowers and a hand-written letter for my parents.
A: A hand written letter is really a thoughtful gift.
B: I gave them a letter last year, too. My mom broke down in tears.
A: Wow. You must have really gotten across how much you love your parents.
B: I guess so. I love my parents more than anything in the world.
*break down in tears 눈물을 펑펑 쏟다; 눈물을 터뜨리다; cry so much
*get across 뜻을 전달하다
3. 유리 천장을 뚫기는 쉬운 일이 아니다
It is not an easy task to break the glass ceiling.
Breaking the glass ceiling is not an easy task.
4. 나는 이 장면을 볼 때마다 울게 돼
This scene always makes me break down in tears.
I break down in tears whenever I watch this scene.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr
입이 트이는 영어 Mother and Daughter 엄마와 딸
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