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[2021.05.13.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Bringing a Lunchbox to Work 직장인 도시락

by Namaskara 2021. 5. 13.

이현석: Where do you normally have lunch? Depending on the day, right?
제니퍼: Oh~ here and there but mostly I skip lunch. I usually don’t have breakfast
이현석: You skip lunch and breakfast?
제니퍼: Yes.
이현석: 무슨, 아침 점심을 다 거르면 어떡해요? 선생님
제니퍼: Cause I travel a lot. From one place, I move to another place. I rarely have time to actually walk in a restaurant and sit down and eat. So, I actually have a huge dinner.
이현석: People who work in a company normally have the option, going to the company cafeteria, if you have one. Sometimes you go outside to have one. You can also pack your lunch. That’s what a lot people do these days.
제니퍼: My husband has his lunch delivered. A lot more often these days than he used to
이현석: Because it’s not very safe to go to these crowded restaurants.
제니퍼: Yes. in business area or district, they tend to get, you know, packed during lunch hour.
이현석: Because of COVID 19, people may prefer to have lunch delivered or just go outside to get a lunch box.

[Speaking] Talk about Bringing A Packed Lunch to Work
I pack my own lunch at home and bring it to work. It’s partly due to COVID 19, but I often brought lunch with me even before then.
I have a desk job so I’m usually at my desk during work hour. If I eat a heavy meal for lunch, I feel bloated and feel drowsy in the afternoon. Bringing lunch from home solves these issues since I can control the amount and content of what I eat. A packed lunch also allows me to take it easy during my lunch break. In the time left over after eating, I can take a cat nap or listen to 입트영.
What’s more, bringing a lunch box has the added benefit of lower food expenses.
bring: 챙겨가다.
a desk job: 사무직
feel bloated 속이 더부룩(배가 빵빵하고 무겁게 느껴짐)
drowsy 졸린(감기 복용후 졸린 경우),
food comma 식곤증
take it easy 여유있는
cat nap 쪽잠

직장에 점심 도시락을 싸는 것에 대해서 이야기해주세요.

나는 집에서 점심 도시락을 직접 준비해서 회사에 가져간다. 코로나 19의 영향도 어느 정도 있지만, 그 전에도 도시락을 싸 가는 경우가 많았다. 나는 사무직이어서 업무 시간에 주로 책상에 앉아 있는다. 점심을 많이 먹으면 속이 더부룩하고 오후에 잠이 쏟아진다.집에서 점심 도시락을 싸가면 내가 먹는 양과 내용물을 조절할 수 있어서 이런 점들을 해결해준다. 또한 도시락은내가 점심 시간을 더 여유있게 보낼 수 있도록 해준다. 점심 식사 후 남은 시간에 쪽잠을 자거나 입트영을 들을 수 있다. 게다가 도시락은 식비를 낮추는 혜택도 있다.

과한 식사 a heavy meal <-> a light meal
점심때 과하게 먹지 않으려고 노력한다.
I try not to eat a heavy meal for lunch.
과식을 하면 주로 졸립니다.
A heavy meal brings up feeling drowsy.
I usually feel sleepy when I have a heavy meal.
좀 많이 먹으면 운동하는 것이 좋습니다.
You should try some exercise when you have a heavy meal.
You should try to get some exercise after a heavy meal.

feel bloated 속이 더부룩한
점심때 과식하면 속이 더부룩합니다.
I feel bloated if I eat too much for lunch.
튀긴 음식 먹고나면 속이 좀 더부룩합니다.
I always feel bloated after eating fried food.
속이 좀 더부룩하면 탄산수 같은 것을 마셔보세요 try ~ing
Have some carbonated water if you feel bloated.
If you feel bloated, try drinking some carbonated water

take a cat nap
In the time left over after eating, I can take a cat nap.
좀 피곤하면 잠깐 눈 붙이지 그러니?
Why don’t you take a cat nap, if you’re tired?
If you feel tired, why don’t you take a can nap?
점심 먹고 잠깐 졸리면 낮잠 자는 것을 좋아합니다.
I like to take a cat nap after lunch if I feel sleepy.
I like to take a cat nap after I have lunch.

A: How do you take care of lunch at your job?
B: I usually eat at the company cafeteria.
A: I see. I bring a packed lunch.
B: Really? Are you able to make time in the morning?
A: Usually, I prepare in advance the night before.
B: Oh I see
* take care of (일) 처리하다
* make time 시간을 내다

1. 나는 배부르게 식사를 하고 나서 산책하는 것이 좋다.
I like to take a walk after a heavy meal.
After a heavy meal, I like to take a walk

2. 나는 우유를 마실 때마다 속이 더부룩하다
I feel bloated every time I drink milk.
I feel bloated whenever I drink milk.

3. 차를 세우고 잠시 눈을 붙였다.
I stopped a car and took a cat nap.
I parked the car and took a cat nap.

4. 나는 오늘 처리할 일들이 많아.
Today, I have a lot of things to take care of.
I have a lot of things to take care of today.

5. 나는 주말에는 시간을 내서 운동하려고 노력한다.
I try to make time during weekends to exercise.
I try to make time to exercise on weekends.
** make time 시간을 내다

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입이 트이는 영어
Bringing a Lunchbox to Work 직장인 도시락
Talk about Bringing a packed lunch to work.
직장에 점심 도시락을 싸 가는 것에 대해서 이야기해주세요.

