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[2021.05.14.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 Paint-By-Number Kits / DIY 명화 그리기

by Namaskara 2021. 5. 14.

[Speaking] Talk about Paint-By-Number Kits

I spend a lot of time at home because of COVID-19. I often feel bored because I am cooped up this way. That's why I picked up Paint-By-Number Kits as a distraction.

If you buy a paint-by-number kit, it contains a canvas with a sketch of a famous work of art. You color in the sketch with paints, according to the number in each space. When I concentrate on painting this way, it alleviates any feelings of frustration. It's a good way to cool off. That's why I enjoy painting by numbers when I want to take a break from studying.

It's also fun to enjoy the feeling of satisfaction when I finish a painting. What's more, it helps build concentration while giving the brain a workout.


cooped up: (갇혀있어서) 답답한

you're stuck, trapped and you wanna get out

this way 이렇게 (부사)

pick up (취미같은 것)시작하다

distraction: 주의가 산만한 상태(부정적 의미)

(취미, 기분전환을 위해) 다른 것에 집중

work of art 예술 작품

color in (안을 채워가면서) 색칠하다

frustration (이러지도 저러지도 못해서) 답답함

cool off 열기를 식히다;머리를 식히다


be cooped up안에 틀어박혀 있다.

I often feel bored because I am cooped up this way.

주말 내내 밖에 안 나가고 집에만 틀어박혀 있었다.

I was cooped up at home all the weekend.

I was cooped up at home all weekend.

cool off 머리 식히다

Painting is a good way to cool off.

나는 너무 화가나서 머리를 식히려고 밖에 잠깐 나갔다.

I was so furious that I went out to cool off.

I was so angry that I stepped outside for a while to cool off.

*go out 그냥 나가다 VS step out 밖에 잠깐 나가다

take a break from ~ ing 잠깐 휴식을 취하다

I enjoy painting by numbers when I want to take a break from studying.

바쁜 업무 스케쥴로부터 잠시 휴식을 취하고 싶다.

I want to take a break from a busy work schedule.

I want to take a break from my busy work schedule.


A: My mom has taken up painting at home.

B: Oh really?

A: Yeah. She spends a lot of time at home, so she started doing it as a hobby.

B: Is she a good painter?

A: She is a so good that it took me by surprise.

B: She found her hidden talent.


1. 하루종일 실내에만 있었더니 답답해서 산책하러 나갔다

I had been cooped up inside all day, so I went out for a walk.

I was cooped up all day, so I went out for a walk.

2. 우리는 머리를 식히기 위해 휴대폰으로 게임을 한다

We play games by our mobile phones to cool off.

We play games on our phones to cool off.

