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[2021.05.17.Mon]입이 트이는 영어 Conflict Among Family Members 가족 간의 갈등

by Namaskara 2021. 5. 17.

[Speaking] Talk about conflict between family members

I have been stuck at home a lot because of COVID-19, so I have been spending more time with my family. This comes with pros and cons. I often argue with my brother, who is one year older than me. Sometimes, we have emotionally exhasting arguments over things that don't even matter.

I've give some thought to how to get along with my brother. First, I decided to think about the root cause when we do argue. I thought that I should know the reason in order to prevent further complicts. When we were at odds with each other, I try to put into words how I felt. I thoughts that we needed to open our ears to each other to solve any conflicts. 

Above all, we shouldn't take our family members for granted. I think the big thing is to recognize how precious they are, and to be respectful of one another.


stuck 발이 묶여있는

argue (말)싸움

get along with 잘 어울려서 사이좋게 지내다

give some thought to 생각을 좀 해봤다.

When we do argue 싸우기 할 때

be at odds with 대립하다 의견 충돌이 있다.

put into words (말로) 표현하다

open one's ears to; listen to 귀담아 듣다;경청하다

take (something) for granted 당연하게 여기다

the big thing 중요한 것; 핵심



don't even matter 중요하지도 않은;사소한

Sometimes, we argue over things that don't even matter

늦게 도착했는데, 아무런 지장도 없었다

I arrived late but it didn't even matter.

중요하지 않지도 않을 일 때문에 걱정 하지 마세요.

Please don't worry about things that don't even matter.

Stop worrying about things that don't even matter.


get along with ~와 잘 지내다

I've thought about how to get along with my brother.

새로 입양한 고양이가 개와 아주 잘 지내고 있다.

My new adopted cat is getting along with my dog well.

Our new cat is getting along with our dog very well.


open one's ears 귀기울려 잘 듣다

I thought that we needed to open our ears to each other to solve conflicts.

다른 사람의 말에 귀를 기울이면 더 많은 것을 배울 수 있습니다.

If you open your ears to others, you can learn more.

You can learn more if you open your ears.

우리 부모님은 다른 사람의 말에 경청하는 방법을 가르쳐 주셨다

Our parents taught us how to open our ears to others.

Our parents taught me how to open my ears to other people.



A: Don't you often bicker with your family since everyone is stuck at home?

B: Yeah I think so

A: I keep bumping heads with my parents.

B: I see

A: Sometimes, they sound like a broken record.

    It can be frustrating

B: It's just because they want the best for you.


 bicker 티격태격 argue about very unimportant things

 bump heads with 싸우다; 갈등을 빚다

 a broken record 고장난 LP->같은 말 계속 반복

 want the best for you 너가 잘 되길 바란다.



1. 나는 중요하지도 않은 걸 가지고 화를 낼 때가 많았다.

   I got often angry with things that don't even matter.  

   I often got angry about things that don't even matter.  


2. 어린시절에는 누나들과 사이좋게 지내지 못했다.

   I didn't get along with my sisters when I was young.


3. 나이가 들면서 나는 다른 사람들의 말을 경청하려고 노력한다.

   I try to open my ears to others, getting older.

   As I get older, I try to open my ears to what others have to say.


4. 같은 말을 자꾸 반복하고 싶지 않지만, 이건 중요해

   I don't want to sound like a broken record, but this really matters.

   I don't want to sound like a broken record, but this is important.


5. 부모는 항상 자식들이 잘 되길 바란다.

   Parents always want the best for their children.

   Parents always want the best for their kids.

