[Speaking] Talk about Raising Snails at Home
Raising Snails takes a lot of work. You need to spread out dirt specifically tailored to snails, and spray it with water every day. You also need to clean up the snails’ droppings at least once every other day. Snails are hermaphrodites. You need two of them to mate and lay eggs. They lay about 150 to 180 eggs at a time. Snails feed on snail food, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots. They are specially partial to lettuce. A snail has about 20,000 teeth, so it can get through lettuce really quickly. Last April, I received four snails for my children to study. The kids observed the growth process of the snails everyday. They are always curious about how the snails are doing. I think it is helping them to build character.
spread out 펼쳐주다, dirt 흙 (soil), tailored to 딱 맞춘; 전용의
droppings 배설물, hermaphrodites 자웅동체
at a time 한번에 at once.
한번에 너무 많이 하지마.
Don’t do too much at a time
feed 먹이(n);먹여주다(v)
feed on 먹다
partial to 편애하다
get through 먹어치우다;헤치우다; 해야할 일을 하다
character 인간됨됨이;인격
personality (한 사람의)개성;성격
달팽기가 기르기를 위해서 이것저것 신경쓸 게 많다. 달팽이 전용 흙을 깔아주고 매일 물을 뿌려줘야 한다. 배설물도 최소한 이틀에 한번 청소해줘야 한다. 달팽이는 자웅동체이며, 두마리 간의 교배가 이루어져야 산란이 가능하다. 한번에 알을 약 150~180개 정도 낳는다. 먹이는 달팽이 사료, 상추, 오이, 애호박, 당근 등이 있는데, 특히 상추를 가장 잘 먹는 편이다. 달팽이는 약 2만 개의 이빨이 있어서 상추를 먹어 치우는 속도가 엄청 빠르다. 작년 4월에 아이들 학습용으로 달팽이 네 마리를 얻었다. 아이들은 달팽이들이 커 가는 과정을 매일 관찰하고 달팽이들의 상태를 수시로 궁금해한다. 아이들이 인성을 기르는 데 도움이 되는 것 같다.
be specially partial to 특히 많이 좋아하다.
달팽이들은 상추를 유난히 좋아하다
Snails are specially partial to lettuce.
난 공원에서 이 구역이 유난히 좋더라
I am specially partial to this area in the park.
I am specially partial to this part in the park.
how someone is doing 근황
아이들이 달팽이들의 상태를 궁금해한다
They are always curious about how the snails are doing.
너는 내가 어떻게 지내는지 궁금하지도 않니?
Aren’t you curious about how I am doing?
우리의 상황을 파악하려고 그녀가 전화한 것 같다
I think she called us to figure out how we’re doing.
She called to see how we were doing.
building character 인성을 기르다
I think raising snails is helping them to build character
어린 나이에 여행을 다니는 것은 인성발달에도 도움이 된다
Travelling around at young age helps build character
I think travelling at young age can help build character.
A: I found my snail that went missing a while ago in a pot on my balcony
B: It might not be a goner yet. If you give water and bury it in dirt, you can revive it
A: Really? It was really light.
B: Snails have regenerative abilities that you wouldn’t believe.
A: I’ll have to try and revive it as soon as I get home.
B: Sure. It’s worth a shot
go missing 실종되다
goner 생명을 다해서 죽은 사람
It might not be a goner yet 아직 안 죽었을 수도 있어
You wouldn’t believe.
너가 믿지 못할 만큼 재생능력을 가지고 있다
-> 대단히 재생능력이 뛰어나다
It’s worth a shot 시도해 볼 만하다
1. 나는 특히 그 음식점의 치킨을 좋아한다 be specially partial to
I’m specially partial to the chicken of the restaurant.
I’m specially partial to the fried chicken at that restaurant.
2. 그들이 어떻게 지내는지 확인하려고 일주일에 한 번 전화를 한다
I call to see once a week how they are doing
I call them once a week to see how they are doing.
3. 나는 고생(hardship)을 겪으면(undergo) 인성 발달이 된다고 믿어
I believe that going through experiences builds character.
I believe that undergoing hardships builds character.
4. 요즘은 애완동물이 워낙 다양해서 상상도 안 해봤을 법한 동물들도 있어
These days there are a wide variety of pets that you wouldn’t believe
There days pets are so various that you wouldn’t believe.
Pets are really diverse now, and there are animals that wouldn’t believe
5. 이게 안 될수도 있겠지만, 시도해 볼 만한 가치는 있다.
This could not work, but it’s worth a shot.
This might not wokr, but it’s worth a shot.
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