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[2021.05.25.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 Doing your hair at home

by Namaskara 2021. 5. 25.

[Speaking] Talk about Doing Your Hair at Home

During the past year, COVID 19 has brought about many changes in my household. One change was that my mom started cutting my family members' hair. 

Her first client was my seven-year-old brother. However, there were layers and holes here and there, so he was unhappy with the haircut. For a while, he was not a happy camper. But mom didn't give up. She studied haircuts and styles through Youtube videos. She ordered hair cutting shears and hair clippers and she really came into her own. Her next guest was my dad. My dad was in a sweat but thankfully he was satisfied with hishair cut.

My mom went through a lot of trial and error for nearly a year and her haircutting skills really improved. I will become her third client when she cuts my hair sometime soon


a happy camper: 기분이 매우 좋은 사람

hair cutting shears: 전문가용 미용가위

clippers 이발기

come into one's own 실력이 늘다

be in a sweat: 땀을 흘렸다; 걱정했다

trial and error 시행착오

sometime soon 조만간


지난 1년 동안 코로나19로 인해 우리 집에 많은 변화가 있었다. 그 중에 하나는 엄마가 직접 가족들의 머리를 잘라주기 시작했다는 것이다.

첫 손님은 7살 남동생이었다. 군데군데 층과 구멍이 생겨서 마음에 들어하지 않았다. 한동안 정말 불만이 가득했다. 하지만 엄마는 포기하지 않고, 유튜브 영상을 통해 커트와 스타일을 연구했다. 미용가위와 바리깡을 주문하면서 실력이 부쩍 늘었다. 

다음 고객은 아빠였다. 아빠는 걱정을 많이 하셨지만 감사하게도 만족스러워하셨다. 엄마는 1년 가까이 많은 시행착오를 겪으면서 헤어커팅 실력을 늘렸다. 조만간 엄머가 제 머리도 잘라주면 엄마의 세번째 고객이 될 것이다. 



happy camper 기분이 좋은 사람

not a happy camper

For a while, he was not a happy camper.

나는 그 리조트가 괜찮다고 생각했는데,

I thought that the resort was good

I thought that the resort was okay

우리 아내는 영 불만족스러워했다

but my wife was not a happy camper.


come into one's own 실력이 늘다;역량을 발휘하다

My mom really came into her own.

그는 새 직장에서 마침내 본격적으로 실력을 발휘하기 시작했다

He eventually began coming into his own at the new job.

He finally came into his own at his new job.

실력을 늘리기 위해서는 연습을 더 해야 한다.

You need to practice more to come into your own.

You need to practice more in order to come into your own.


trial and error 시행착오

My mom went through a lot of trial and error for nearly a year.

시행착오를 통해서만 배울 수 있는 것이다.

You can learn it only through trial and error.

It can only be learned through trial and error.



A: You've dyed your hair. Did you go to a hair salon?

B: No. I did it myself at home.

A: Oh, really? The color is nice. It's pretty.

B: Thank you but there was a bit of hair damage.

A: It must be because the chemicals in the hair dye were so strong.

B: Yes. That's the one catch.

* hair dye 염색약

* catch 아쉬운 부분



결말ending을 읽고 난 영 만족스럽지 못했다

I was not a happy camper after reading the conclusion.

When I read the ending, I was not a happy camper.


아이들은 역량을 발휘하려면 시간이 필요하다

Children need time to come into their own.

Kids need time to come into their own.


여러 시행착오 끝에 나는 마침내 그것을 하는 방법을 터득했다.

I finally mastered how to do it through a couple of trial and error.

After a lot of trial and error, I finally learned how to do it.


나는 수영을 할 때마다 모발이 손상됐다.

There was a hair damage every time I was swimming.

I get hair damage whenever I go swimming.


유일한 단점은 아파트가 회사에서 멀다는 점이다. 

The one catch is the long distance between my apartment and the office.

The one catch is that the apartment is far from my office.

