minimum 최소 ~
I need 5,000$ minimum(a minimum of 5,000$).
You need 10 students minimum(a minimum of 10 students) to open start a class.
We can lend you 500$ maximum(a maximum of 500$).
keen interest (*formal한 느낌)
Goose(pl. Geese), feather, require, bring together 모으다
incur (금액 등을)발생시키다, 요금 charge, promotion code (promo code)
As for [N]: [N]관해서 말해보자면(이야기 도중 주제 전환시)
As for my son, he is doing well. (상대방이 how are you? how are your family?라고 물어봤을 때)
As for me, I recently quit my job.
throw in [N]: [N]를 (덤으로) 껴 넣어주다 (무료라는 느낌)
We will throw in a pillow for you.
->We are going to throw in extra pillows for you.
He threw in an extra charger.
Otherwise, 그렇지 않으면,
Walk carefully, otherwise, you will might fall.
Otherwise, you will have to pay a 10 dallor fee.
[Five Golden Sentences]
저희 거위털 소파에 대한 지대한 관심에 감사드립니다.
Thank you for your keen interest in our Goose feather sofa.
공동구매 딜에 관해서 말씀드리자면, 최소 10명의 구매자가 필수입니다.
As for a group-buy deal, we require 10 buyers minimum.
20 이상의 구매자를 모으시면, 덤으로 쿠션을 더 드릴것입니다.
If you bring together more than 20 buyers, we are also going to throw in an extra cushions.
서울 내에 배송은 무료입니다. 그 외에는 50달러의 비용이 발생할 것입니다.
Shipping is free within Seoul. Otherwise, you will incur a 50$ fee charge.
마지막으로 자격이 주어진eligible 각 구매자는 결제 중에 입력할 수 있는 할인코드를 받을 것입니다.Individually qualified buyer will get a promotion code which they can input during payment process.
Each eligible buyer will receive a promotion code which they can enter during check out.
[Quiz] We need 30 students minimum vs We need a minimum of 30 students.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 소파 공동 구매 답변 Email: Thank you for your keen interest.