in [sth/N]: [sth/N]을 입고 있는 ("in"안에 들어가 있다...는 느낌)
I am in a yellow sweat.
She is working in a gray uniform.
The model was posing in ridiculous clothes.
->The model posed in a ridiculous outfit.
clothing, retailor (<->wholesaler), amateur, model,
pose (strike a pose! 포즈를 잡아봐)
photoediting, field, rate (What's your rate? My rate is ~~~)
work as [N]
I am currently working as an influencer.
MAYU's dream is to work as a model.
have experience with [N]
Serina has experience with this software.
I have no experience with computers at all.
with [N]
I want someone with confidence.
We are looking for people with great passion.
->We are looking for individuals with great passion.
[Five Golden Sentences]
저는 아마추어 모델로도 일하고 있는 여성 의류 소매업자예요.
I am a women's clothing retailer also working as an amateur model.
제가 소셜미디어에서 팔고 있는 옷들을 입고 포즈를 취하고 있는 제 사진들을 올리고 싶어요.
I would like to upload my photos posing in the clothes that I am selling on the social media
->I want to post photos of me posing in the clothes that I am selling on social media.
문제는 사진 편집 도구에 대한 경험이 전혀 없다는 거예요.
The thing is that I have no experience with photo editing tools at all.
그래서 그 분야에 대한 대단한 전문지식을 가진 사람을 찾고 있어요
So, I am looking for someone with great professional knowledge of the field.
->So, I am looking for someone with great expertise in the field.
당신이 그런 사람인 것 같다면, 저에게 포트폴리오와 요금과 함께 DM을 보내주세요
If you think you are the person, please send me DM with your portfolio and your rate.
If you think you are that person, please DM me with your portfolio and rate.
[Quiz] I am currently working as an accountant.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지라이팅 Easy Writing 공지: 사진 편집자 구인 I have no experience of photo editing