give birth to [N]: [N]를 낳다.
Ella gave birth to a daughter.
That 40 years year old lady gave birth to twins.
Our cat gave birth to baby cats little kittens. among, baby boy, rest, recovery room, truly,
overwhelm(I feel so overwhelmed)
dad, make되다.
as [평서문]: ~하면서 (동시성)
As I opened the door, I saw red rose leaves on the floor.
As I opened the door, I saw red rose petals all over the floor.
As I walked, I thought about what she said.
As I was walking, I thought about what she said.
look like [N]: [N]와 닮다.
Serina`s daughter looks like Serina.
Does your son look like you?
be thankful for: 다행이라고 생각한다.
There are many things that I am thankful for.
I am really thankful for what I possess.
I am thankful for what I have.
[Five Golden Sentences]
저희는 애니가 사내아이 줄리안을 낳았다는 사실을 처음으로 아는 사람 중 하나가 당신이 되길 원했어요.
We wanted you to become one of the people who at first know the fact that Annie gave birth to our baby boy, Julian.
We wanted you to be among the first to know that Annie gave birth to our baby boy, Julian
애니는 건강하고 제가 이걸 쓰고 있는 지금 회복실에서 쉬고 있어요.
Annie is healthy and has a rest at a recovery room, as I am writing this.
Annie is healthy and resting in the recovery room, as I am writing this. 줄리안은 자기 엄마와 꼭 닮았는데, 그게 정말 다행이라고 생각하는 부분이에요.
Julian looks just like his mom, which I am truly thankful for. 제가 아빠라는 사실에 여전히 약간 어안이 벙벙해요.
I am still a little overwhelmed of being a dad
I am still a little overwhelmed by the fact that I am a dad 애니와 제가 좋은 부모가 되길 바랄 뿐이에요
Annie and I want to make ourselves good parents.
I just hope that Annie and I will make good parents.
[Quiz] Mrs. Jackson gave birth to her healthy baby.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 지인에게 출산 알리기 Julian looks just like his mom.