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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.03.12.금 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 I always have room for some chocolate.

by Namaskara 2022. 3. 12.

in front of [명사] 앞에서
아이들 앞에서 싸우지 맙시다
Let’s not fight in front of kids.
Let’s not fight in front of the kids.
나는 그 주차장 앞에서 기다리고 있어
I’m waiting in front of the parking lot.
I’m waiting in front of the parking lot.
당신은 그 식당 앞에 주차해도 됩니다 may.
You can park in front of the restaurant.
You may park in fron ot the restaurant.
weakness 약점 <-> strength
mine 내꺼
You’re mine. Be my valentine!
definitely 확실히;당연히
chocolate 초코렛
full 배부른;stuffed
I’m stuffed
responsible 책임감 있는
hide 숨기다
have been [명사]하여 왔다.
내가 항상 좋아하는 음식은 피자여왔다.
My favorite food has always been pizza.
My favorite food has always been pizza.
나는 5년간 그녀의 조수였다
I have been her assistant for 5 years.
I have been her assistant for 5 years. have (a) room for [명사]를 위한 공간/여유가 있다.
*room 관사없이 사용시 개념적인 느낌
나는 디저트 먹을 공간이 아직도 있지
I still have room for a dessert.
I still have room for some dessert.
혹시 두명 더 들어갈 여유 있나요?
Do you have room for 2 more people?
Is there room for 2 more people? Now that [평서문] 이제 [평서문]이니깐
이제 넌 내 비밀을 아니깐, 난 너를 떠나게 둘 수 없어
Now that you know my secret, I won’t let you go.
Now that you know my secret, I can’t let you go.
이제 우린 TV가 있으니깐, 영화를 볼 수 있어
Now that we have a television, we can watch the movie.
Now that we have a TV, we can watch movies.

[Five Chocolaty Sentences]

당신은 무엇없이는 살 수 없나요?
What can’t you live without?
What can’t you live without?
당신은 무엇에 약한가요?
What is your weakness?
What is your weakness?

저는 확실히 초코릿에 약하죠
Mine is definitely a cholocate.
Mine is definitely cholocate. 항상 그래왔고, 항상 그럴거예요
Always has been and will always be.
Always has been and always will be.

배가 얼마나 부르든 약간의 초코렛을 위한 공간은 항상 있죠
No matter how full I am, I always have room for some chocolate.
No matter how full I am, I always have room for some chocolate. 이제 난 엄마니깐,
Now that I’m a mom,
Now that I’m a mom,
아이들 앞에서 먹는 음식에 대해 더 책임감 있어야 해요
I should be more responsible for the foods that I have in front of the kids.
I have to be more responsible with the food that I eat in front of my children. 이젠 난 다람쥐처럼 집 주위에 초코렛을 숨기죠
Now I hide my chocolate around my house like a squirrel.
Now, I hide my chocolate around the house like a squirrel. [Quiz]
그는 내 친구들 앞에서 나를 민망하게 했
He made me cringe in front of my friends.

21.11.08.월 It makes me cringe. 민망하네. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Monday the 8th of November. Now, it’s that time again, Monday morning. The weekend is over, and Saturday is not coming back for 5 days. Did you know that..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 I always have room for some chocolate. 나는 항상 디저트를 먹을 공간이 있다.

