[Introduction by Serina]
I`ve heard that we`re gonna be covering a movie today.
name [명사1] [명사2]: [명사1]을 [명사2]라고 이름짓다.
She named her son Yujin.
I want to name my daughter Serina.
Mayu named his dog 강심.
repopulated, extinct, human race, offspring
complex(*complicated 복잡/머리아프고 부정적)
moral 도덕 관련what is the moral of the story?
periodically, sibling(성별 상관없음)
care for [명사]
They are caring for their old father
They are caring for their elderly father.
Can you care for my wife?
Could you care for my wife?
besides [명사] ~ 외에
Besides work, how are you doing?
Besides work, how is everything else?
Besides milk, what else do we need more?
get to [V]: [V]하게 되다 (긍정적)
I got to learn many things thanks to their teaching.
You will get to make many friends at school.
You will get to make lots of friends in school.
[Five Golden Sentences]
멸종된 인류를 다시 살게 하기 위해,
To repopulated extinct human race,
To repopulated the extinct human race,
마더라는 이름의 로봇이 인간 아이를 키우고 돌본다.
a robot whose name is Mother cares for a human child.
a robot named Mother grows and cares for a human child.
Mother는 그 아이를 Daughter이라고 이름 짓고 인간들이 후손을 교육하는 방식대로 그녀를 교육한다.
Mother names a child Daughter and educates her the way in which human beings educate their offspring
Mother names a child Daughter and educates her the way humans would educate their offspring.
Mother는 그녀에게 복잡한 도덕관련 수업들을 가르치고 정기적으로 시험을 보게 한다.
Mother teaches her complex lessons related to the moral and gives her tests periodically.
Mother teaches her complex moral lessons and gives her exams periodically.
그리고 Daughter는 왜 자신외에는 다른 인간 아이는 없는지 궁금해한다.
And Daughter is wondering why no any other human children exists besides herself.
Daughter wonders why there are no aother human children besides her.
Mother는 Daughter형제 자매들을 보게 되기 전에 자신이 좋은 부모가 되는 연습이 더 필요하다고 말한다.
Mother says it needs more practice to become good parents before Daughter gets to see her siblings
Mother says it needs more practice being a good parent before Daughter gets to see her siblings.
[Quiz]I wanted to name my son Sebastian.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 영화: I AM Mother (1) Mother names the child Daughter