[Introduction by Serina] Let`s continue with our summary of the movie, I Am Mother

can`t decide whether [평서문]
I can`t decided whether I tell her the truth.
I can`t decided whether I should tell her the truth.
We can`t decided whether we should order 족발 or 닭발.
We can't decided whether we should sign up the contract.
attempt(*보통 시도했는데 실패했을 때 I attempted to persuade her)
bunker, extremely, curious, robot, hunt, survivor, infiltrator
warn [someone] not to [V]: [V] 하지 말라고 [someone]에게 경고하다
He warned them not to trespass into his private area.
He warned them not to trespass his property.
I warned you not to rummage through my belongs.
I wanted you not to go through my things.
sneak into [N]: [N]에 몰래 스며들다.
He sneaked into his room while his parents were watching TV.
Someone sneaked into the concert hall without paying tickets
Somebody sneaked into the concert hall without paying for the ticket.
go awry 틀어지다.
Things went awry, when he opened the truth.
Things went awry, when he revealed the truth.
Her plans went awry due to the rumor.
Her plans went awry because of the rumor.
[Five Golden Sentences]
마더는 자신들이 살고 있는 벙커를 떠나려는 시도를 하지 말라고 항상 @@에게 경고한다.
Mother always warns Daughter not to attempt to leave the bunker where they are living
Mother always wants Daughter not to attempt to leave the bunker they are living in.
Daughter 는 무엇이 벙커 밖에 있는지 극도로 궁금해진다.
Daughter becomes extremely curious about what could be outside the bunker.
Daughter becomes extremely curious about what may be outside the bunker.
하루는 한 여자가 벙커에 몰래 들어오고 모든 게 틀어지기 시작한다.
One day, a woman sneaks into the bunker and things begins going awry.
One day, a woman sneaks into the bunker and things starts to go awry.
그녀는 바깥세상에서 Mother와 같은 로봇들이 생존자들을 사냥하고 있다고 도르에게 말한다.
She tells Daughter that robots like Mother are hunting survivors outside the world.
She tells Daughter that robots like Mother are hunting for survivors in the outside world.
Daughter는 혼란스러워지고 그 잠입자를 믿을지 mother를 믿을지 결정하지 못한다.
Daughter is confused and can't decided whether she should trust the infiltrator or Mother.
[Quiz] Things went awry when they found out the truth.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 영화: I Am Mother (2) Daughter becomes extremely curious.