Today is Wednesday, the 14th of April.
Listeners! Are you faffing around? Please say no.
Today, we`ve got to read, loud speak and listen
These are four core skills to practice English.
I am sure you can master these 4 core skills with me in 20 minutes and in blink of an eye.
** whim 갑작스런 소망이나 소원; 일시적 기분/변덕
** on a whim 즉흥적으로/충동적으로
A: 엄마 충동적으로 그걸 샀어요
Mum, I bought it on a whim.
B: 넌 충동구매를 멈춰야해. 그리고 내 신용카드를 그만 사용하고.
You need to stop impulse buying and stop using my credt card.
A: 그가 복권에 당첨되었다고 들었어. 진짜 부러워.
I heard he won the lottery. I am so jealous of him.
B: 그래서 그는 자기 가게를 차리기 위해 충동적으로 일을 그만두었어
That`s why he quit on a whim to open his own store.
So he quit his job on a whim to open his own shop
우리는 충동적으로 주말에 해변으로 가기로 결정했어.
We decided to go to a beach on a whim weekend.
We decided to go to the beach on a whim for the weekend.
나는 일전에 the other day 우울했을 때 충동적으로 그걸 샀어
I bought it on a whim the other day when I was depressed.
그는 충동적으로 여행을 예약했기 때문에 우리는 파리로 갈 수 밖에 없었어
He booked a trip on a whim so we couldn`t help going to Paris.
He booked a trip on a whim so we had no choice but to go to Paris.
비록 몇몇은 그를 싫어할지라도 충동적으로 우리는 그를 저녁 식사에 초대했어
On a whim, we invited him for dinner, even though some disliked him.
On a whim, we invited him to dinner, even though some hated him.
[Speak like a Brit]
A: Mom, I bought it on a whim last night.
B: Please stop impulse buying and stop using my credit card.
A: I heard he won the lottery. That`s mental.
B: So he quit his job on a whim to take a rest
So he quit his job on a whim to have a rest
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I bought it on a whim. 난 충동적으로 그걸 샀어.