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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.04.15.목 I cancelled them. 난 그들을 지지하는 것을 철회했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 4. 15.

Today is Thursday, the 15th of April.
Listeners, I`d like to ask you a question.
How can you develop a success-oriented mindset?
Let me tell you this: Put yourself in challenging new situations.
When you fail to put yourself in challenging new situations, you`ll be unable to grow.

** cancel someone: someone을 부정하거나 지지하는 것을 멈추다.

A: 아직도 그 보이밴드 덕질하는거니?
Are you still their side?
Are you still fan-girling over that boy band?
B: 아니야. 그들이 SNS에 이상한 의견을 공유해서 지지를 철회했어.
No. I cancelled them because they posted some a weird opinion on social medias.
No. I cancelled them because they shared a weird opinion on social media.

A: 네티즌들은 그 여배우를 지지하는 것을 빠르게 철회했어.
Netizens quickly cancelled the actress.
Poeple on the internet(internet user) quickly cancelled the actress
B: 글쎄 말이야 술집에서 소동kerfuffle이 좀 있었기 했는데,
I heard there was some troubles at the bar,
I know there was a bit of kerfuffle at the bar,
우리 진짜 이렇게 까지this 해야해?
but do we really need to do that far?
but do we really have to do this?

그가 이상해지기 전에,
Before he became strange,
Before he got weird,
나는 개인적으로 그를 지지하는 것을 철회했어.
I cancelled him personally.
I personally cancelled him.

솔직히 말하면, 난 그들을 지지하는 것을 오래전에 철회했어.
To be honest, I cancelled them a long time ago.

나는 문제를 읽으키고 있는 그들의 진술statement 때문에 그들을 지지하는 것을 철회했어.
I cancelled them because of their statement causing problems.
I cancelled them because of their statement that is causing problems.

학생들은 성차별적인 트윗이 있은 후 그를 지지하지 않기로 결정했어
Students decided to cancel him after he posted something out of gender-equality on Twitter.
Students decided to cancel hime after his gender biased tweet.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: Are you still fanboying over that girl band?
B: No. I cancelled them because they shared an unacceptable opinion on social media.

A: People from the agency quickly cancelled the actress
B: I know there was a bit of kerfuffle at the press briefing but do we really have to do this?
I know there was a bit of kerfuffle at the press conference but do we really have to do this?

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I cancelled them. 난 그들을 지지하는 것을 철회했어.

