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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.06.목 How thoughtful of you! 정말 사려깊으시네요! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 6.

Today is Thursday, the 6th of May.
Some say spring time is tired time. When spring comes, bringing longer and stronger hours of sunlight, the body must adjust of it. You can feel drowsy. Why don't you stand up, move around, wash your face and hands to fully enjoy your spring?

** how [사람의 성격 형용사] of you.
=> 그 사람은 정말 [형용사]하구나 (감탄)

A: 정말 사려깊으시네요. 정말 행복합니다.
How thoughtful of you. I was so happy.
How thoughtful of you. You make me happy.

B: 저는 교통안전 지킴이에요. 당신을 보호하는 건 제 임무죠
I am a traffic keeper. Protecting you is my duty.
I am a lollipop lady. It's my duty to protect you.
*교통안전지킴이 lollipop lady/man
school crossing patrol officer/supervisor

A: 제 생일까지 축하해주시다니 정말 사려깊네요
How thoughtful of you to congratulate on my birthday.
How thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.

B: 야~ 속보이는 짓좀 그만하지 그래.
Why don't stop being so obvious?
Don't be so obvious.
방금 너 문자 읽있어.
I just read your text.
I just read your text.

[Step by Step]
그렇게 말해주시다니 정말 사려깊으시네요. 정말 감사해요
How thoughtful of you to say so. I really appreciate your words.
How thoughtful of you to say that. I do appreciate that very much.

우리를 위해 리뷰를 써주시다니 정말 사려깊고 친절하시군요.
How thoughtful and kind of you to write a review for us.

당신과 상의하다니 그는 사려 깊은 것 같애
I think he is thoughtful to discuss with you.
I think it is thoughtful of him to consult you.

기분feelings을 고려해주다니 정말 사려깊으시네요.
It's thoughtful of you to consider my emotion.
It's thoughtful of you to consider my feelings.
그런데 제 걱정은 안 하셔도 될 것 같습니다.
But it wouldn't be necessay to worry about me.
But I don't think you've got to worry about me.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: How thoughtful of you. You make me so happy.
B: As you can see, I am a lollipop lady. It is my duty to protect you.

A: How thoughtful of you to remember my anniversay.
B: Don't be so obvious. I just read your posting.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 How thoughtful of you! 정말 사려깊으시네요!

