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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.10.월 She finally got the message. 그녀가 마침내 내 뜻을 알아챘어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 10.

Today is Monday, the 10th of May.
저는 프로그램 진행자 권주현입니다.
여러분 한 주 시작월요일입니다.
Marcus Aurelius said ‘When you rise in the morning, think of what privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.
Enjoy your privilege to study whatever you want today.

** 직역: 그녀는 마침내 메세지를 받았다
get the message: understand what someone is trying to tell you
(주로 누군가가 말하려고 하는 것을) 이해하다
힌트/암시 등을 알아채다;취지를 파악하다

A: 그녀가 마침내 내 뜻을 알아챘어. 지금 완전 심쿵해
She finally got my message.
She finally got the message. My heart skips a beat now.
*skip a beat 박자를 놓치다
B: 그녀가 말하는 모든 건 걸러들어야 해
You’ve got to hear carefully everything she says.
You should take everything she says with a pinch of salt
*take sth with a pinch of salt 걸러 듣다;감안해서 듣다

21.02.26.금 We should take it with a pinch of salt.우리는 그것을 적당히 걸러 들어야 해. 권주현의 진짜

Today is Friday the 26th of February. One said successful and unsuccessful people don't vary greatly in their aibilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential. Desire to study? That's..


A: 걔가 나를 비웃었을 때, 나는 마침내 걔 뜻을 알아챘어
When he looked at me with funny face, I finally got the message.
When he laughed at me, I finally got the messager
B: 걔 원래 그런 얘야. 그것 때문에 신경쓰지마
He is originally such a person. Don’t bother against him.
He is usually like that. Don’t let it bother you.

[Step by Step]
나는 결국 그녀를 도왔고 내 생각에 그녀는 마침내 내 뜻을 알아챘어
I eventually helped her and I think she finally got the message.
I eventually helped her and I reckon she finally got the message.

그는 왜 내 뜻을 알아채지 못할까? 난 아니라고 여러번 말했어
Why doesn’t he get the message? I said ‘no’ several times.
Why doesn’t he get the message? I’ve said ‘no’ multiple times.

바라건데, 그는 내 뜻을 알아채고(바램 will) 나를 좀 혼자 두었으면 해
Hopefully, he will get the message and leave me alone.

그녀는 똑똑하니깐 내 뜻을 알아채릴 수도 있지만 많은 인내가 필요할거야
She is smart to get the message but needs a lot of patience.
She is smart and would get the message but it will require a lot of patience.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그녀가 마침내 내 뜻을 알아챘어. 지금 완전 진짜 심쿵해
She finally got the message. My heart really skips a beat now.
B: 그녀가 말하는 모든 건 걸러들어야 해
You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt.

21.07.16.금 My heart skips a beat now. 지금 완전 심쿵해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Friday, the 16th of July. Most people prefer not to do anything on Fridays, but you already know you shouldn't lay back because it's not weekend yet. Get yourself together because you can r..


A: 걔가 나를 큰 소리로 비웃었을 때, 나는 마침내 그의 뜻을 알아챘어
When he laughed loudly at me, I finally got the message
B: 걔 원래 그런 얘야. 그것 때문에 신경 쓸 필요 없어.
He is usually like that. You don’t need to let it bother you.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 She finally got the message. 그녀가 마침내 내 뜻을 알아챘어.

