once every other week 격주에 한번
마유는 격주에 한번 운동하러 가
Mayu goes to a gym once every other week.
Mayu goes to the gym once every other week.
세리나는 격일에 한번 필라테스 수업에 가다
Serian goes to the pilates lesson once every other day.
Serina goes to the pilates class once every other day.
그들은 서로를 격주에 두번 봐
They see each other twice every other week
They see each other twice every other week.
home 집;가정
treat 대하다
You need to treat people with resprect
part 일부 family 가족 okay 괜찮은 visit
elementary school 초등학교
advantage 잇점
as if [평서문 과거] 마치 [평서문 과거] 인것처럼
내가 그녀를 돌볼께, 마치 내 딸인 것처럼
I will take care of her as if she was my daughter
I will take care of her as if she were my own daughter.
그는 마치 자기가 다 아는 것처럼 행동하고 있어
He is acting as if he knew everything.
He is acting as if he knew everything.
should be [명사;형용사] = 아마 ~ [명사;형용사]일것이다
must 정말 강한 확신 should 중간 정도의 확신
그건 아마 너에게 좋은 기회일거야
It should be a good opportunity for you.
It should be a good opportunity for you.
그 문은 아마 이제 열렸을거야
The door should be open now.
The door should be open now.
another [명사] 또 하나의 명사
한잔 더 주세요(저는 또 하나의 잔을 원해요)
I’d like to have another glass of wine.
I’d like another glass of wine.
당신의 또하나의 방을 가지고 있나요?(호텔에서)
Do you have another room?
Do you have another room?
[Five Golden Sentences]
제 남편과 저는 학생이 기꺼이 제 집에서 머물도록 할 것입니다.
My husband and I will be happy to have you stay with us.
My husband and I will be very happy to have stay in our home.
학생이 저희가족의 일원인 것처럼 대할 거예요.
We will treat you as if you were a part of our family
We’re going to treat you as if you were part of our family.
저희가 작은 고양이 한마리를 데리고 있다는 걸 알고 계셨으면 하고, 그게 괜찮으면 좋겠어요
I just want you to know that we have a little cat and hope that it’s okay for you
I just wnat you to know that we have a small cat and hope that’s okay with you.
그리고 저희 아들이 격주에 한번 저희를 방문합니다.
Also, our son visits us once every other week.
Also, our son visits us once every other week.
(every other week=every two week)
초등에서 영어를 가르치니깐, 학생에게 또 하나의 잇점이 될 거예요.
He teaches English in elementary school, so it should be another advantage for you
He teaches English in elementary school, so that should be another advantage for you
나는 격주에 한번 동물 보호소에서 자원봉사를 해
I do volunteer work at 동물보호소 once every other week.
I do volunteer work at an animal shelter once every other week.
마유는 격월에 두번 그 아이들을 방문해
Mayu visits those children twice every other month.
Mayu visits the children twice every other month.
그는 자기가 내 남자친구인 것처럼 말하고 있어
He is saying as if he were my boyfriend.
He is saying as if he were my boyfriend.
그건 아마 너에게 도움이 될거야
It should be helpful for you.
It should be helpful for you
난 소파를 또 하나 주문했어
I ordered another sofa.
I ordered another sofa.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 홈스테이 답변 We will be happy to have you stay.
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