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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.10.21.목 Easy Writing 리뷰: <이지라이팅> 오픈 채팅방 후기 (1) My Experience with EW's Group

by Namaskara 2022. 10. 21.

세린쌤: 선생님! You're just amazing. You know, you take your time out of your day to do this. I think it's just amazing.

on a daily basis 매일을 주기로
on a weekly basis 매주를 주기로
저희는 파일을 매일을 주기로 백업합니다.
We back up our files on a daily basis.
We back up out files on a daily basis.
마유 매일 치킨을 먹곤 했다.
Mayu used to eat fried chicken on a daily basis.
Mayu used to eat chicken on a daily basis.
당신의 제온을 매시간을 주기로 재세요
Take your temperature on an hourly basis.
Take your temperature on an hourly basis.
truly 진정으로 (really 보다 무게감 있음)
세린쌤: I truly love this show.
extraordinary 특별한;비범한
experience 경험하다 hesitate 주저하다
similar 비슷한
세린쌤: I think Mayu & I are very simiar in many ways.
interest 관심
gigantic 거대한 (big, huge 보다 큰 느낌)
whenever ~일 때면 언제든
super [형용사] 엄청 [형용사]한
이 전동 킥보드는 엄청 빨라
This e-scooter is super speedy.
This e-scooter is super fast.
그 3D 영화는 엄청 사실적이었어
The 3D movie was super realistic.
The 3D movie was super realistic.

interact with [명사]와 교류하다.
다른 배경들을 가진 사람들이 서로 교류합니다.
People with different backgrounds interact with each other.
People with different backgrounds interact with one another.
그 재능을 지닌 아이는 동물과 교류할 수 있어.
The kid with the talent can interact with animals.
The gifted child can interact with animals.

What's more, 게다가
게다가 당신은 무료로 2개의 추가적인 수건을 받을 것입니다.
What's more, you'll be given two extra towels for free.
What's more, you'll receive two extra towels for free.
게다가 당신은 500 달러의 보너스를 받을 것입니다.
What's more, you'll receive 500$ of bonus.
What's more, you'll receive a 500$ bonus.

[Five Golden Sentences]
전 이제 1개월 조금 a little 넘게 EW 그룹 채팅방에 있었는데,
I have been in the EW's group chatroom for over a month now,
I've been in the EW's group chatroom for a little over a month now,
이건 모두가 경험해야하는 정말 특별한 기회라고 말해야겠어요.
and I have to say this is truly an extraordinary opportunity everybone should experience
and I must say this is truly an extraordinary opportunity everyone should experience.

멤버 한 분 한분이 엄청 친절하고
Every single member is super kind
Every single member is super kind
서로를 도와주는 걸 절대 주저하지 않아요
and they never hesitate to help one another.
and they never hesitate to help one another.

저와 비슷한 관심사를 가진 분들과 교류할 수 있는 채팅방이 있으면 좋겠다고 항상 생각했어요.
I've always hoped there was a chatroom that I could interact with people with similar interest of mine.
I've always wished there was a chatroom where I could interact with people with similar intersests as mine.

단순한 채팅방 안에 있는 것만으로도 하나의 거대한 가족의 일부인 것 같은 기분이 들어요
Just being in that chatroom makes me feel as if I'm a part of a gigantic family.
Just being in that chatroom makes me feel like I'm part of one gigantic family.

게다가 마유선생님을 매일 저희에게 미션을 주시고, 가능할 때면 어제든 저희를 도와주려고 노력하세요.
What's more, Mayu gives us a mission on a daily basis and tries to help us whenever he can.
What's more, Mayu gives us a mission on a daily basis and tries to help us whenever he can.

난 내가 배우는 걸 매일 복습 go over
I go over what I learn on a daily basis.

EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 리뷰: <이지라이팅> 오픈 채팅방 후기 (1) My Experience with EW's Group Chatroom (1)

