last time I checked 기억으로는
마지막으로 내가 확인했을 때, 여자들은 재밌지 않은 남자들을 좋아하지 않아.
Last time I checked, women don't like guys who are not interesting.
Last time I checked, girls don't like guys who are not funny.
내 기억으로는, 넌 그걸 100번은 말했어.
Last time I checked, you mentioned it around 100 times.
Last time I checked, you've said that like 100 times.
내 기억으로는, 자동차들은 움직이기 위해서는 기름이 필요해
Last time I checked, vehicles need gasoline to get moving.
Last time I checked, cars need gas to move.
worried 걱정하는
harsh 혹독한;거친 harsh comment 악플
세린쌤: I would have to say New York is harsher. They get a few storms that are crazy.
마유쌤: Plus, in the city there are so many buildings there, right. So the wind is even worse.
coming up 다가오는
plenty of 충분한;많은
whine 징징대다. (wine과 같은 발음)
worrywart 걱정꾼
none 아무것도 없음
insect 곤충
What's there to [동사원형]할 게 뭐가 있어?
생각할 게 뭐가 있니?
What's there to think?
What's there to think about?
망설일 게 뭐가 있어?
What's there to hesitate?
What's there to hesitate about?
beg [목적어] for [명사] = [목적어]에게 [명사]를 달라고 빌다
마유는 세리나에게 음식을 좀 달라고 빌었어
Mayu begged Serina for some foods.
Mayu begged Serina for some food.
로이는 그 부유한 남자에게 돈을 달라고 빌었다.
Roy begged the rich man for money.
Roy begged the rich man for money.
be favorable to [목적어]에게 호의적이다.
대부분의 사람들은 그의 이론에 호의적이었다.
Most people were favorable to his theory.
Most people were favorable to his theories.
그 날씨는 우리에게 호의적이지 않았아.
The weather was unfavorable to us.
The weather wasn't favorable to us.
[Five Golden Sentences]
개미 The Ant
자네는 혹독한 겨울이 걱정되지도 않은가?
Aren't worried about the harsh winter?
Are you not worried about the harsh winter?
몇달 뒤에 오는 거 알잖아.
You know it's coming up a few months later.
You know it's coming up in a few months.
** Are you "not" 은 "Aren't you" 보다 not을 강조하는 표현
왜이래? 형제여! 걱정할 게 뭐가 있나?
What's up? brother! What's there to worry about?
Come on, brother! What's there to worry about?
우린 여전히 충분한 시간이 있잖아.
We still have plenty of time.
We still have plenty of time left(남아있는).
그러니깐, 그만 징징대고 나와 함께 즐기자고.
So, stop whining and join me for some fun,
So, quit whining and join me for some fun,
이 걱정꾼같으니.You're a worrywart!
you worrywart!
자넨 후회할걸 세.
You'll regret.
You'll be sorry.
나중에 와서 음식 좀 달라고 빌지나 말게,
Don't beg me for some food later.
Don't come and beg me for food later.
자넨 위한 건 아무것도 없을테니.
as I will have none for you.
as I will have none for you
내 기억으로는 겨울이 우리 곤충들에게 그렇게 호의적이진 않다네.
Last time I check, winter isn't that favorable to us insects.
Last time I check, winter isn't so favorabale to us insects.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 대사: 개미와 베짱이 The ant and the grasshopper
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.12.03.금 Easy Writing 대사: 개미와 베짱이 The Ant and the grasshopper