세린쌤: Hello everyone, welcome back to the program. Hello 선생님!
마유쌤: Hello!
세린쌤: A pinch and a punch for the first of the month.

A childhood taunt uttered while literally pinching and punching someone on the first day of a new month.
아이들이 새로운 달 첫날에 말그대로 누군가를 꼬집고 한 대 치면서 말로 놀리는 것
A: Hey, Tom - a pinch and a punch for the first of the month!
B: Ouch! Grow up, Barry! 윽! 베리야, 철 좀 들어라!

pass by [목적어]의 주위(옆)를 지나가다.
세리나는 누구가에 문자를 하면서 마유의 주위를 지나갔어
Serina passed by Mayu, with texting someone.
Serina passed by Mayu, texting someone.
나는 그 건물을 지나갔는데, 여전히 그걸 놓쳤어
I passed by the building, but still missed it.
I passed by the building, but still missed it.
아름다운 여성 분이 내 주위를 지나갔고,
A gorgeous woman passed by me,
A beautiful lady passed by me,
난 그녀에게서 내 눈을 뗄 수가 없었어.
and I couldn’t take my eyes off from her.
and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Once upon a time 옛날 옛적에
grasshopper 베짱이;메뚜기
waste 낭비하다
hassle 성가신 일
ant 개미 aunt 이모/고모 (ant와 같은 발음)
offer 제안하다
join 함께하다
pity 측은함;동정 (pitiful 형용사)
slack off 게으름을 피우다.
게으름 그만 부리고, 일을 끝내.
Stop slacking off, and finish your work.
Stop slacking off, and get your work done.
난 월요일마다 게으름을 부리는 경향이 있어
I tend to slack off every Monday.
I tend to slack off on Mondays.
kill time [~ ing]하면서 시간을 죽이다/떼우다
난 비디오 게임을 하면서 시간을 죽였어
I killed time playing video games.
I killed time playing video games.
우린 숨바꼭질을 하면서 시간을 죽였어.
We killed time playing hide and seek.
We killed time playing hide and seek.
at one’s leisure 여유롭게; 여유가 될 때
그는 여유롭게 와인을 마셨어.
He drank a glass of wine at his leisure.
He drank wine at his leisure.
당신은 그걸 여유롭게 돌려보내 send back도 됩니다.
You can return it at your leisure.
You may send it back at your leisure.
[Five Golden Sentences]
옛날 옛적에, 게으름부리는 걸 너무 좋아하는 베짱이가 있었습니다.
Once upon a time, there was a grasshopper just loving to slack off.
Once upon a time, there was a grasshopper who just loved slacking off.
그래서 베짱이는 겨울을 대비하는 대신,
so, instead of preparing for winter,
so, instead of preparing for winter,
여유롭게 바이올린이나 연주하며 시간을 죽였습니다.
he just killed time playing violin at his leisure.
he just killed time playing the violin at his leisure.
베짱이나 그 어떤 성가신 일로도 아름다운 날들을 낭비할 의향이 없었습니다.
He had no intention to waste beautiful days for any hassle.
He wasn’t willing to waste beautiful days with any hassle.
한 개미가 그의 주위를 지나가고 있었습니다.
An ant was passing by him
An ant was passing by him
다가올 be to come 혹독을 겨울을 준비하며,
preparing for the harsh winter to come
preparing for the hard winter that was to come.
베짱이가 개미에게 함께 즐기자고 제안했을 때,
When the grasshopper offered the ant to join him,
When the grasshopper offered the ant to join him,
개미는 측은한 표정으로 돌아봤습니다.
the ant looked back with pity.
the ant looked back with pity.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 동화: 개미와 베짱이 (1) The Ant and the Grasshopper (1)