** be lost for words 할 말을 잃다
(상황: 충격, 슬픔, 열받음, 긍정적인 놀람)
** speechless (긍정적인 상황)
난 내가 그의 죽음에 대해 들었을 때, 할말을 잃었다.
I'm lost for words when I heard about his death.
I was lost for words when I heard of his death.
세리나는 그녀가 자신이 이 달의 직원이라는 얘길 들었을 때, 할 말을 잃었어.
Serina was lost for words when she heard that she was the employee of the month.
Serina was lost for words when she heard that she was the empolyee of the month.
오~ 신이시여! 나는 할 말을 잃은 상태야.
Oh my God! I'm lost for words.
Oh my God! I'm lost for words.
completely 완전히 passing 별세
cheerful 쾌활한
influence 영향을 주다.
many 많은 사람들
emotiionally 감정적인
distress 고충;고통
세린쌤: When you feel distress, you are very very upset and emotionally you're very shaking.
go through 겪다 (experience 보다 진지한 상황)
hear of [명사]를 듣다
(들어서 (존재를) 알게 되다)
넌 이지라이팅이라는 프로그램 들어본 적 있니?
Have you ever heard of Easy Writing?
Have you heard of program called Easy Writing?
난 그 이름을 들어본 적이 없어
I haven't heard of the name.
I haven't heard of the name.
in that [평서문]이라는 점에서
난 운이 좋아. 내가 애정어린 가족이 있다는 점에서
I'm lucky in that I have a lovely family.
I'm lucky in that I have a loving family.
그건 너무 많은 돈이 들었다는 점에서 실패였어.
It was a failure in that it took too much money.
It was a failure in that it cost too much money.
be only a phone call away 전화만 걸면 된다.
저는 겨우 전화 한통 만큼만 떨어져 있습니다.
(=>당신은 전화 한 통만 하면 돼요)
I'm only a phone call away.
I'm only a phone call away.
우리한테 전화만 하면 되는 거 아시잖아요.
You know we are only a phone call away.
You know we are only a phone call away.
[Five Golden Sentences]
아버님의 별세 소식을 듣고, 할 말을 잃었습니다.
I was completely lost for words to hear of your father passing.
I was completely lost for words to hear of your father's passing.
** hear about sth 디테일을 들었을 때,
** hear of sth 단순히 들어서 알게 되다.
저를 포함한 많은 이들에게 영향을 미친 쾌활한 분으로 항상 기억할 것입니다.
I'll always remember him as a cheerful man who influenced many, including myself.
I'll always remember him as a cheerful man who influenced many, including myself.
그런 특별한 분이 저의 인생에 영향을 주셨다는 점에서 저희 모두는 행운입니다.
We are all lucky in that our lives are touched by such a special man.
We are all lucky in that our lives were touched by such a special man.
** touched = influenced
** touched 감동시키다.
당신이 겪고 있을 감정적 고충을 상상할 수 없습니다.
I can't imagine the emotional distress you may certainly go through.
I can't imagine the emotional distress you must be going through.
제가 할 수 있는 어떤 식으로든 돕겠습니다.
I'm here to help whatever I can.
I'm here to help however I can.
기대어 울 사람이 필요하다면, 전화만 거시면 됩니다.
If you need a should to cry out, I'm only a phone call away.
If you need a should to cry on, I'm only a phone call away.
EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 진심 어린 애도 Please accept my deepest condolences.
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.11.29.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 진심 어린 애도 Please accept my deepest condolences.