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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.11.30.화 Easy Writing 이메일: 애도에 대한 답례 Thank you for your love and sympathy. 당신의 사랑과 연민에 대해 감사드립니다.

by Namaskara 2022. 11. 30.

if it hadn't been for [명사]의 덕분/때문이 아니었다면
너의 도움 덕분이 아니었던, 난 그날 죽었을거야.
If it hadn't been for your help, I would have died that day.
If It hadn't been for your help, I would have died that day.
사랑을 위해서가 아니었다면, 그는 그 스스로를 희생하지 않았을거야.
If it hadn't been for love, he wouldn't have sacrified himself.
If it hadn't been for love, he wouldn't have sacrificed himself.
우린 그 보안요원들 때문이 아니었더라면, 탈출 할 수 있었을 거야.
We could have escaped, if it hadn't been for the security guards.
We could have escaped, if it hadn't been for the security guards.

support 지지;성원
funeral 장례식
unexpected 예상치 못한
turn of events 상황의 변화
recover 회복하다
세린쌤: You can recover from sickness. You can also recover from emotional distress.
friendship 우정
세린쌤: I'm grateful for your friendship.
value 가치있게 생각해다
세린쌤: I value you. 너는 나한테 가치있다. (계산적 X)
sympathy 연민;동정

I must confess that [평서문]이라는 게 사실이에요
(**말하길 망설이다가 결국 인정하면서 말하는 의미)
나는 당신이 꽤 춤을 잘 춘다는 게 사실이라고 생각해요
I must confess that you dance quite well.
I must confess that you are quite a dance.
제가 약간 실망했다는 게 사실이기 합니다.
I must confess that I was a bit disappointed.
I must confess that I was a bit disappointed.

be devastated by [명사]의 충격을 받다
(frustration X 10배 = 굉장히 좌절한)
그들은 그 충격적인 소식에 의해서 좌절했다.
They were devastated by the shocking news.
They were devastated by the shocking news.
에드워드는 그의 상사로부터 들은 것으로 굉장히 충격을 받았다.
Edward was devastated by what he heard from his boss.
Edward was devastated by what he heard form his boss.

It's times like this when [평서문] 하는 때가 바로 이럴 때예요
우리가 진정으로 사랑의 가치를 알아볼 때가 바로 이럴 때입니다.
It's times like this when we can truly discover the value of love.
It's times like this when we can truly appreciate love.
당신이 진정한 친구가 필요하다는 걸 알 수 있을 때가 바로 이럴 때입니다.
It's times like this when you know that you need a true friend.
It's times like this when you know you need a true friend.

[Five Golden Sentences]
저희에게 보내주신 지지와 아버지의 장례식에 보내주신 꽃에 대해 감사드립니다.
Thank you for your support you have shown us and the flowers you sent at my father's funeral.
Thank you for the support you showed us and the flowers you sent to my father's funeral.

예상치 못한 상황 변화에 큰 충격을 받은 게 사실입니다.
I must confess that I was devastated by the unexpected turn of events.
I must confess that I was devastated by the unexpected turn of events.

당신의 우정과 감정적 지지 덕분이 아니었다면, 빨리 회복하지 못했을 겁니다.
I couldn't have recovered quickly, if it hadn't been for your friendship and emotional support.
I couldn't have recovered quickly, if it hadn't been for your friendship and emotional support.

좋은 친구를 진정으로 가치있게 생각하는 때가 이런 때입니다.
It's times like this when we truly value a good friend.
It's times like this when one can truly value good friends.

다시 한 번 당신의 사랑과 연민에 대해 감사드립니다.
Once again thank you for your love and sympathy.
Again thank you for your love and sympathy.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 애도에 대한 답례 Thank you for your love and sympathy. 당신의 사랑과 연민에 대해 감사드립니다.

