2021.11.29.월 Please accept my deepest condolences 이메일: 진심 어린 애도
아버님의 별세 소식을 듣고 할 말을 잃었습니다.
I was completely lost for words to hear of your father passing.
I was completely lost for words to hear of your father’s passing.
저를 포함한 많은 이들에게 영향을 끼친 쾌활한 분으로 항상 기억할 것입니다.
I’ll always remember him as a cheerful guy who influenced many including myself.
I’ll always remember him as a cheerful man who influenced many including myself.
그런 특별한 분이 저의 인생에 영향을 주셨다는 점에서 저희 모두는 행운입니다.
All of us are lucky in that our lives are touched by such a special man.
We are all lucky in that our lives were touched by such a special man.
당신이 겪고 있을 감정적인 고충을 상상할 수 없습니다.
I can’t imagine the emotional distress you may certainly go through.
I can’t imagine the emotional distress you must be going through.
제가 할 수 있는 어떤 식으로든 돕겠습니다.
I’m here to help however I can
I’m here to help however I can
기대어 울 사람이 필요하다면,
if you need a shoulder to cry out
if you need a shoulder to cry on,
전화만 거시면 됩니다.
I’m just a phone call away.
I’m only a phone call away.
2021.11.30.화 Thank you for your love and sympathy. 당신의 사랑과 연민에 대해 감사드립니다.
저희에게 보내주신 지지와 아버지의 장례식에 보내주신 꽃에 대해 감사드립니다.
Thank you for your support you showed us and the flowers you sent to my father’s funeral.
Thank you for the support you showed us and the flowers you sent to my father’s funeral.
예상치 못한 상황 변화에 큰 충격을 받은 게 사실입니다.
I had to confess that I was shocked by the turns of the events
I must confess that I was devastated by the unexpected turn of events
빨리 회복하지 못했을 겁니다.
I couldn’t have recovered quickly
I couldn’t have recovered quickly
당신의 우정과 감정적 지지덕분이 아니었다면,
if it hadn’t been for your friendship and emotional support.
if it hadn’t been for your friendship and emotional support.
좋은 친구를 진정으로 가치있게 생각하는 때가 바로 이런 때입니다.
It’s the times that truly value good friends
It’s times like these when one can truly value good friends.
다시 한 번, 당신의 사랑과 연민에 대해 감사드립니다.Once again thank you for your love and sympathy.
Again thank you for your love and sympathy.
2021.12.01.수 The Ant and The Grasshopper(1) 동화: 개미와 베짱이(1)
옛날 옛적에,
Once upon a time,
Once upon a time,
게으름 부리는 걸 너무 좋아하는 베짱이가 있었습니다.
there was a grasshopper who loved to slack off.
there was a grasshopper who just loved slacking off.
그래서 베장이는 겨울을 대비하는 대신
So, instead of preparing for winter
So, instead of preparing for winter,
여유롭게 바이올린이나 연주하며 시간을 죽였습니다.
he just killed time playing the violin at his leisure.
he just killed time playing the violin at his leisure.
베짱이는 그 어떤 성가신 일로도 아름다운 날들을 낭비할 의향이 없었습니다.
He didn’t intend to waste beautiful days with any annoying things.
He wasn’t willing to waste beautiful days with any hassle.
한 개미가 그의 주의를 지나가고 있었습니다.
An ant was passing by him
An ant was passing by him
다가올 혹독한 겨울을 준비하며
preparing for the hard winter to come.
preparing for the hard winter that was to come.
베짱이가 개미에게 함께 즐기자고 돌아봤을 때,
When the grasshopper offered the ant to join him
When the grasshopper offered the ant to join him
개미는 측은한 표정으로 돌아봤습니다.
the ant looked back with pity
the ant looked back with pity.
2021.12.02.목 The Ant and The Grasshopper(2) 동화: 개미와 베짱이(2)
현명한 개미는 베짱이의 제안에 전혀 신경쓰지 않고,
The wise ant didn’t pay any attention to the grasshopper’s offer,
The wise ant wouldn’t pay any attention to the grassphopper’s offer,
계속 열심히 일했습니다.
and continued to work hard.
and continued to work hard.
겨울은 예상보다 금방 왔고,
The winter came earlier than expectd,
The winter came sooner than expected,
베짱이는 당황했습니다.
and the grasshopper panicked.
and the grasshopper panicked.
먹을 것이나 지낼 곳이 없던
Without food or shelter,
Without food or shelter,
베짱이는 개미를 찾아가 도움을 요청했습니다.
he went to see the ant and asked for help.
he went to see the ant and asked for help.
** “ask for” “request”보다 자연스러운 표현
하지만, 개미는 가진것을 나누길 거부했습니다.
However, the ant refused to share what he had,
However, the ant refused to share what he had,
먹여 살여야할 가족이 있다며
explaining that he had a family to feed.
explaining that he had a faimly to feed.
게으른 베짱이는 눈물을 흘리며 무릎을 꿇었지만,
The lazy grasshopper got down on his knees in tears,
The lazy grasshopper got down on his knees in tears,
개미는 베짱이를 앞에 두고 조용히 문을 닫았습니다.
however, the ant quietly closed the door on him.
but the ant quietly closed the door on him.
** She was in tears = She was crying.
세린쌤: So, we should all learn not to be like the grasshopper.
2021.12.03.금 The Ant and The Grasshopper 대사: 개미와 베짱이
개미 The Ant
자네는 혹독한 겨울이 걱정되지도 않은가?
Don’t you worry about the harsh winter?
Are you not worried about the harsh winter?
몇달 뒤에 오는 거 알잖아.
You know it’s coming up months later.
You know it’s coming up in a few months.
베짱이 The Grasshopper
왜 이래 형제여! 걱정할 게 뭐 있나?
What’s up, brother! What is there to worry?
Come on, brother! What’s there to worry about?
아직 남은 시간이 충분하지 않은가.
We still have plenty of time left.
We still have plenty of time left.
베짱이 The Grasshopper
그러니깐 그만 징징대고, 나와 함께 즐기자고 이 걱정꾼같으니,
So, quit whining and join me for some fun, you worrywart.
So, quit whining and join me for some fun, you worrywart.
** stop 보다 ”quit”이 완전히 관둔다는 느낌 강조
개미 The Ant
자넨 후회할걸세.
You’ll regret.
You’ll be sorry.
나중에 와서 음식 좀 달라고 빌지나 말게.
Don’t come and beg for food later
Don’t come and beg me for food later
자넬 위한 건 아무것도 없을테니
because I’ll have nothing for you.
as I have none for you.
개미 The Ant
내 기억으로는
Last time I checked,
Last time I checked,
겨울이 우리 곤충들에게 그렇게 호의적이지는 않다네.
winter is not that favorable to us insects.
winter isn’t so favorable to us insects.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Weekly Review 11/29 ~ 12/03
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.12.04.토 Easy Writing 이지 라이팅 Weekly Review 11/29 ~ 12/03