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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.12.07.화 Easy Writing 뉴스: 커피숍 다이어트 (2) A Lady on an Extraordinary Diet

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 7.

If you think about it, 잘 생각해보면,
(당연한 것에 대해 훌쩍 넘어가지 말고 곰곰히 생각해보자)
잘 생각해보면, 영어는 배우기에 그렇게 어렵지 않습니다.
If you think about it, English is not that difficult to learn.
If you think about it, English is not so difficult to learn.
세린쌤: I think the key to learning any language is consistency. 꾸준히 하시면 You’ll see great improvement
잘 생각해보면, 그건 좀 말이 돼요.
If you think about it, it does make sense.
If you think about it, it kind of makes sense.
잘 생각해보면, 그건 또 불가능한 일이 아니예요.
If you think about it, it’s not something impossible.
If you think about it, it’s not impossible task.

fattening 살찌게 하는; 살찌는
sugary 설탕이 많이 들어간
mistaken 잘 못 알고 있는
세린쌤: You’re mistaken 넌 잘 못 알고 있어.
마유쌤: If I’m not mistaken 내가 잘 못 알고 있는게 아니라면,
dietician 영양사
approach 접근
sustain 지속하다
malnutrition 영양실조
in the short term/run 단기적으로
agree with [목적어]와 동의하다
(사람/의견에 동의)
난 너희 부모님의 의견에 동의해
I agree with your parents.
I agree with your parents.
넌 내 의견에 동의하니?
Do you agree with my opinion?
Do you agree with my opinion?

in this regard/matter 이 점에서; 이 점에서는
저희는 당신과 이 점에서는 동의할 수 없어요
We can’t agree with you in this regard.
We can’t agree with you in this regard.
그는 한 해 십만달러를 벌어.
He earns 100,000$ a year.
He makes 100 grand a year.
그리고 이 점에서 그는 꽤 잘하고 있는 거지
And He has been doing quite well in this regard.
and in this regard he is doing quite well.

worse yet 설상가상으로 what’s worse
(worse한 것이 아직(yet) 안 나왔다.)
설상가상으로 그는 어제밤에 차였어
Worse yet, he was refused last night.
Worse yet, he got dumped last night.
설상가상으로 눈이 오기 시작했어.
Worse yet, it started to snow.
Worse yet, it started to snow.

[Five Golden Sentenes]
그녀는 사람들이 까페 음식이 살 찌게하고 설탕이 많이 들어서 건강하지 않다고 생각해요 라고 말합니다.
People think cafe foods aren’t healthy because they are fattening and sugary, she says.
People think cafe foods are unhealthy because they are fattening and sugary, she says.

잘 못 알고 있는 거예요.
They are mistaken.
They are mistaken.
잘 생각해보면,
If you think about it,
If you think about it,
오트밀과 치킨 파니니 같은 건강한 선택도 많아요.
there are a lot of healthy choices like oatmeal and chicken panini.
there are many healthy choices such as oatmeal and chicken paninis

하지만, 영양사 세리나 황씨는
But dietician Serian Hwang
But dietician Serina Hwang
이 점에 있어서 그녀의 의견에 그냥 동의할 수 없었습니다.
can’t simply agree with her in this regard.
simply can not agree with her in this regard.

** 왜 “can’t” 가 아닌 “can not”인가?
세린쌤: I think it can be also because of emphasis but also to show that this is more of formal piece of writing.
세린쌤: I feel like English itself is very casual language, but usually in formal English you see less contractions.

그녀는 그런 접근법은 지속하기 어렵고
She says that kind of approach is difficult to sustain
She says such an approach is difficult to sustain
설상가상으로 영양실조를 초래할 수 있다고 말합니다.
and worse yet, will lead to a malnutrition
and worse yet, can lead to malnutrition.
** lead to = cause (it’s going in that direction.)
** sustainable 지속가능한
세린쌤: You can talk about message or approach being sustainable. Is it sustainable? 계속할 수 있는 거예요?

“단기적으로는 효과가 있을지도 모르지만,
It may work in the short term,
It may work in the short term,
머지 않아 그녀는 건강 문제를 겪을 겁니다.”
but in the near future, she will go through health issues.
but sooner or later, she will experience health problems.

설상가상으로 그는 발목을 접질렸어.
Worse yet, he’s sprained his ankle.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 뉴스: 커피숍 다이어트 (2) A Lady on an Extraordinary Diet

