** mildew 흰곰팡이
put [목적어] away = [목적어]를 치우다; 제자리에 갖다놓다
세린쌤: Put your toys/bag/socks away. 장난감/가방/양말 치워라
그녀는 그 책들을 치우고, 요리하기 시작했어.
She put the books away and started to cook.
She put the books away and started cooking.
그걸 내 얼굴로부터 치워.
Put it away from my face.
Put that away from my face.
난 남은 음식을 치우고 학교갈 준비를 했어.
I put the leftover away and got ready to go to school.
I put the leftovers away and got ready for school.
stinky 악취나는
washing machine; laundry machine 세탁기
vinegar 식초
effective 효과적인 efficient 효율적인
dryer 건조기
hang 걸다 hanger 옷걸이
well ventilated 환기가 잘 되는
fold 접다;개다
세린쌤: You know what? I really don't like folding laundry.
세린쌤: I prefer washing the dishes.
allow [목적어] to [동사원형] = [목적어]를 [동사]하게 두다.
(let과 비슷한 느낌, recipe에서 자주 볼 수 있음)
그 요구르트가 걸죽해지게 두세요
Allow the yogurt to get solid.
Allow the yogurt to get thick.
난 내 개한테 침대에서 자도록 내버려뒀어.
I just allowed my dog to sleep on my bed.
I allowed my dog to sleep on my bed.
when [~ing] 할때,
걸을 위를 걸을 때는 조심해.
Be careful, when walking on the ice.
Be careful, when walking on the ice.
난 나갈 때, 항상 내 머리를 스타일링해
I always do styling on my hair, when going out.
I always style my hair, when going out.
until [평서문] 일때까지
그 괴물이 다른 곳을 볼 때까지 가만히 있어.
Stay quiet, until the monster looks at others.
Stay still, unitl the monster looks away.
난 그걸 잘하게 될때까지 계속 연습했어.
I continuously practiced until I got good at it.
I kept practicing until I became good at it.
[Five Golden Sentences]
1단계: 당신의 악취나는 옷을 베이킹소다 4분의 1컵과 함께 세탁기 안에 넣으세요.
First step: Throw your stinky clothes into the washing machine with one fourth cup of baking soda.
Step One: Throw your stinky clothes into the washing machine with a quarter cup of baking soda.
2단계: 세탁기가 전체 세탁 사이클을 완료하게 두세요.
Step Two: Allow the washing machine to complete the whole washing cycle.
Step Two: Allow the washing machine to complete a full wash cycle.
3단계; 백식초를 추가하면 훨씬 더 효과적인 것일겁니다.
Step Three: Adding a white vinegar will even make it more effective.
Step Three: Adding white vinegar will make it even more effective.
4단계: 옷을 말릴 때는
Step Four: When drying clothes,
Step Four: When drying the clothes,
샅샅히 말리는 걸 확실히 하기 위해, 최고온 설정을 사용하세요.
use the hottest setting to make sure that they dry thoroughly.
use the hottest setting to make sure they dry thoroughly.
세린쌤: Yeah, apparently, when you dry it on the hottest seeting, it really kills a lot of germs.
5단계; 건조기가 없다면,
Step Five: If you don't have a dryer
Step Five: If you don't have a dryer
완전히 마를 때까지 환기가 잘 되는 곳에 걸어놓으세요.
hang them in a well-ventilated place until they are completely dry
hang them in a well-ventilated area until they are completely dry
옷을 개서 치우기 전에
before putting them away.
before folding and puttine them away.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing정보: 옷의 곰팡내 없애는 방법 How to remove smells from clothes
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.12.10.금 Easy Writing 정보: 옷의 곰팡내 없애는 방법 How to Remove Mildew Smells from Cloth