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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.12.13.월 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 크리스마스 선물 고르기 (1) Choosing a Christmas gift for a special someone

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 13.

세린쌤: Can you believe we’re getting closer and closer to Christmas?
마유쌤: 믿을수가 없어요. I can’t.
세린쌤: Unbelieveable

should be able to [동사원형] 아마 [동사]할 수 있을거다.
** should ~ 일 것이다. (중간이상의 확신)
나 아마 일 끝나고 너 볼 수 있을거야.
I should be able to see you after work.
I should be able to see you after work.
너 아마 이 플랜으로 살 좀 뺄 수 있을거야.
You should be able to loose weight with this plan.
You should be able to loose some weight with this plan.
세리나가 몸무게 문제들에 대해서 널 좀 도와줄 수 있을거야.
Serina should be able to help you on your weight issues.
Serina should be able to help you with weight issues.

free 시간이 되는;시간이 좀 되는
(** available 을 쉽게 표현)
세린쌤: I’m free after 6.
세린쌤: Are you free today?
make time 시간을 내다
though 그래도; 그런데
gosh 어 휴~; 아이구~
probably 아마도
** maybe 50%의 가능성
** probably 는 maybe보다 높은 가능성
electronic gadget 전자 장치 (가산명사)
electronics 전자제품
resist 거부하다;저항하다
be swamped with work 일이 엄청많다.
나 토요일까지 일 엄청많을거야.
I’ll be swamped with work until Saturday.
I’ll be swamped with work until Saturday.
그들은 일이 엄청 많았어
They were swamped with work.
They were swamped with work.


21.04.16.금 I've been swamped with work. 일하느라 정신없이 바빴어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Friday, the 16th of April. Why don't we keep a folder of your proudest moments? Maintaining collection of moments you're proud of can help you get motivation for future projects. swamp 늪/..


a pain in the neck 골치아픈 사람; 골치아픈 일
성격 나쁜 손님을 다루는 건 항상 골치아픈 일이야
It’s always a pain in the neck to deal with the customer with bad personality.
Dealing with grumphy customer is always a pain in the neck.
내 남동생 마유는 엄청 골치아픈 녀석이야.
My younger brother Mayu is really a pain in the neck.
My brother Mayu is such a pain in the neck.


20.11.10.화 He is a pain in the neck. 그는 골칫거리야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Tuesday, the 10th of November. Don't be in such a hurry to move up a level. You needn't to hurry up. Consentrate on the level you..


10 times [비교급 형용사] = 10배로 [비교급 형용사]
내 직업은 100배는 더 힘들어
My job is 100 times harder.
My job is 100 times harder.
영어를 배우는 게 한국어를 배우는 것보다 10배는 더 쉬워.
Learning English is 10 times easier than learning Korean.
Learning English is 10 times easier than learning Korean.
세린쌤: I think it's true. You guys are lucky. You get to learn the easy language. I have to learn the hard language.
세린쌤: But it is a beautiful language.

[Five Golden Sentences]
세리나 Serina
내일 시간 돼?
Are you free tomorrow?
Are you free tomorrow?
내일 남편 크리스마스 선물 고르는 거 좀 도와줘야겠어.
I need you to help me choose a Christmas gift for my husband.
I need you to help me choose a Christmas gift for my husband.

마유쌤: 크리스마스 선물에서 'gift'를 더 많이 쓰세요? "present"를 더 많이 쓰세요?
세린쌤: I think I use "a Christmas gift" more, but some reason with kids I use "present" more.
마유쌤: This is very interesting
세린쌤: I don't know why

마유 Mayu
목요일까지 일이 엄청 많을거야.
I'll be swamped with work until Thursday.
I'll be swamped with work until Thursday.
그래서 금요일에는 아마 시간을 낼 수 있을거야
I should probably be able to make time on Friday, though.
I should be able to make time on Friday, though.

세리나 Serina
어휴~ 남자 선물 고르는 건 항상 골치 아픈 일이야.
Gosh, choosing a gift for men is always a pain in the neck.
Gosh, choosing a gift for men is always a pain in the neck.

마유 Mayu
너 농담하니?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
여자 선물 고르는 것보다 아마 10배는 쉬울 걸.
It's probably 10 times easier than picking a gift for women.
It's probably 10 times easier than choosing a gift for ladies.

그냥 전자장치를 사줘.
Just buy him electronic gadget.
Just buy him an electronic gadget.
남자들이 전자장치를 거부하는 건 불가능하다는 거 너 알잖아.
You know it's impossible for men to resist electronics.
You know it's impossible for men to resist electronics.

너는 아마 이제 그 문을 열 수 있을거야.
You should be able to open the door now.

넌 항상 일이 엄청 많니?
Are you always swamped with work?

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 크리스마스 선물 고르기 (1) Choosing a Christmas gift for a special someone

