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2022 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.03.28.월 Easy Writing 후기: 로봇 청소기 (1) Review on a Mayu Bot Vacuum

by Namaskara 2022. 3. 28.

as 형용사 as it may sound = [형용사]하게 들릴 수도 이지만,
그게 실없게 들릴 수도 있지만, 난 마술사가 되고 싶어.
As silly as it may sound, I want to be a magician.
As silly as it may sound, I want to be a magician.
그게 괴상하게 들릴 수도 있지만, 난 당근들을 못 먹어.
As ridiculous as it may sound, I can’t eat carrots.
As weird as it may sound, I can’t eat carrots.
웃기게 들릴 수도 있는데, 나 한때 모델로 일했어.
As funny as it may sound, I once worked as a model.
As funny as it may sound, I once worked as a model.

vacuum 진공청소기로 치우다.
handle 감당하다; 다루다
energy 기력
fascinated 매료된
chargaing station 충천소
세린쌤: These days a lot of people drive hybrid cars and electric cars. So we’re seeing a lot of charging stations around the city.
little 작은;어린
puppy 강아지
weird 괴상한 (strange 보다 negative한 느낌)
no longer [동사] = 더 이상 [동사]하지 않다.
걔네는 더 이상 안 사귀어.
(그들은 더 이상 사귀고 있지 않아)
They are no longer dating.
They are no longer dating.
도네이도씨는 여기서 더 이상 일하지 않아요.
Mr. Tonado is no longer working here.
Mr. Tonado no longer works here.

having to [동사]해야만 하는 것
매일 아침 뉴욕으로 통근해야만 하는 것이 날 엄청 지치게 해.
Having to commute to New York every morning makes me so exhaused.
Having to commute to New York every morning takes a lot out of me.
다시는 당신의 전화기를 충전해야만 하는 것에 대해 잊어버리세요.
Forget about having to charge your mobile phone again.
Forget about having to charge your phone ever again.

a great deal of [명사] = 많은 양의 [명사]
언어를 마스터하는 것은 많은 양의 노력을 요구하다.
Mastering a language demands a great deal of efforts.
Mastering a language requires a great deal of efforts.
많은 양의 물이 그 테이블 여기저에 엎질러졌다.
A great deal of water was spilled all over the table.
A great deal of water was spilled all over the table.

[Five Golden Sentences]
일주일에 한번 진공청소기로 집을 치우는 건 감당할 수 있어요.
Vacuuming the house once a week, I can afford it.
Vacuuming the house once a week, I can handle that.
하지만 매일하는 건 됐다구요.
But doing it every day, forget about it.
But doing it every day, forget about it,

Mayu bot Vacuum 덕분에
Thanks to Mayu bot Vacuum
Thanks to the Mayu bot Vacuum
전 더 이상 진공청소기로 집을 치워야 하는 걸 걱정할 필요가 없어요.
I no longer need to worry about having to vacuum a house.
I no longer have to worry about having to vacuum the house.
( 세린쌤은 “the house”, voice actor는 “a house”)

그게 저에게 많은 시간과 에너지를 아껴줘요.
It saves me a great deal of time and energy.
It saves me a great deal of time and energy.

어린 강아지 마냥 충전 장소로 가는 길을 실제로 찾아내는 걸 보고 매료됐어요.
I was fascinated by seeing it actually finding its route back to the charging station like a little puppy.
I was fascinated to see it actually find its way back to the charging station like a little puppy.

이상하게 들릴 수도 있지만, 전 청소기의 이름도 붙여 주었어요.
As weird as it may sound, I gave it a name, too.
As weird as it may sound, I gave it a name, too.

실없게 들릴 수도 있지만, 난 언젠가 가수가 되고 싶어.
As silly as it may sound, I want to be a singer some day.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 후기: 로봇 청소기 (1) Review on a Mayu Bot Vacuum

