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2023 EBS 이지 라이팅

23.03.21.화 Easy Writing 이메일: 충전기 반품해도 되나요? Can I return the charger?

by Namaskara 2023. 3. 21.

It seems as though [평서문]처럼 보인다. <= it seems like 보다 격식적 표현
당신은 여기 처음 오신 것처럼 보이는군요.
It seems as though you are new here.
감자칩 모든 것이 다 팔린 것처럼 보입니다.
It seems as though all the potato chips are sold out.
It seems as though all the potato chips have been sold out.
그 시험이 점점 더 어려워지는 것처럼 보인다.
It seems as though the exam is getting more and more difficult.

receive 받다 (get보다 격식있는 데)
charging dock 충전 dock
return 반품하다. Can I return this?
attached 첨부된
damaged 손상된
scratch 스크래치
all over 여기저기에
postal fee 우편수수료

as you can see 보시다시피; as you may know
당신이 보시다시피 그 집은 오래됐어요.
As you can see, the house is old.
The house is old as you can see.
보시다시피 이건 가짜 가죽 plather = plastick + leather입니다.
This is a fake leather as you can see.
세린쌤: There is no shaming on wearing plather. I like plather

in the past 과거에 <=> in the future 미래에
여기는 더 안전하곤했어.
This used to be safer in the past.
It used to be safer here in the past.
과거에 사람들은 회사에 걸어가곤 했지.
In the past, people used to walk to work.
세린쌤: Now we fly to work.  

how to [동사원형]하는 법; 어떻게 [동사원형]하는지.
나 스파게티 만드는 법 몰라.
I don’t know how to cook spaghetti.
I don’t know how to make spaghetti.
너 라틴어를 읽는 방법 알아?
Do you know how to read Latin?

[Five Golden Sentences]
세린쌤: Often times when we order things from overseas, sometimes they come to us damaged.

모델명 X3 충전 거치대를 선물로 받았는데,
I received the X3 charging dock as a present
반품하고 싶어요.
but I would like to return it.
but would like to return it.

사진을 첨부했구요
I have attached its phots
I have attached a photo of it here
보시다시피 손상되어 있어요.
as you can see, it’s damaged.

* enclosed 동봉된

여기저기 스크래치가 있는 걸로 봐서, 전에 반품했던 상품인 것같아 보여요.
It seems as though the dock was a return item  in the past as = because there are scratches all over it.

귀사를 웹사이를 통해 구매된 그 상품을 어떻게 반품하는지 알려주세요.
Please let me know how to return the item which was purchased via your website.
** tell me <= 상대방이 알고 있는 정보를 알려달라. Tell me your name.
** let me know <= 상대방이 아직은 모르고 뭔가를 알아봐야 함. Let me know if you can come.

우편수수료는 귀사에서 부담하시는 거겠죠?
Postal fees will be covered by your side I assume.
** “I assume” 근거를 기반으로 강하게 추측하다.

보시다시피 옵션이 많습니다.
As you can see, there are a lot of options.

출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 이메일: 충전기 반품해도 되나요? Can I return the charger?

