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EBS Easy English (이보영 & 주치)

24.04.23.화 Easy English (영어회화 레벨 2) The air quality has been getting worse lately. 최근에 공기의 질이 나빠지고 있어.

by Namaskara 2024. 4. 23.

주치쌤:Think globally! Act locally!
Little things like when you brush your teeth, turn off your water! When you’re taking a shower, don’t just leave the shower on all the time, just only use water because water is energy. When you use it in between turn it off.

여: 최근에 공기의 질이 나빠지고 있는 거 너도 느꼈니?
여) Have you felt that the air quality has been getting worse lately?
책) Have you noticed the air quality has been getting worse lately?
** notice 알아채다 see something that you’ve not seen before

남: 어, 알레르기까지 생겼는데,
남) Yeah, I’ve got an allergy.
책) Yeah, it’s been giving me allergies.
남: 가끔 숨쉬기도 힘들어.
남) It’s even hard to breathe sometimes.
책) It’s hard to breathe sometimes.
** It’s been ~ ing <= 과거의 어느 시점부터 지금까지 계속 벌어지고 있는 상황 (앞으로도 언제 끝날지 모르는 상황) over a period of time
** give someone allergies <= 어떤 것이 원인이 되어서 someone에서 알러지 반응을 일으키게 끔 만드는 증세를 준다
During the spring season, a lot of pollen in the air, they give people allergies.

여: 나쁜 공기의 질이 우리 건강에 정말 영향을 주고 있는 거구나
여) The bad air quality really affects our health.
책) The poor air quality is really affecting our health.
** get to us 피부에 와 닿게끔 영향을 주다
** affect 영향을 주다
** poor 관리가 잘 안된

남: 만일 우리가 대중교통이나 카풀같은 것을 이용하면
남) If we use public transportation or car-pools,
책) If we use public transportation or car-pooling more,
남: 배기가스를 줄이는데 도움이 될까?
남) would it be really helpful to reduce the air pollution?
책) will it help to reduce emissions?
** pool 한곳으로 모으다 Sometime you pool money to buy something together.
Let’s pool some funds. Let’s pool some money together to buy something for all of us.
** pull 당기다.

여: 물론이지.
여) Of course!
책) Of course!
여: 아 그리고 우리집의 공기청정기에도 투자를 좀 하고 말이지.
여) And we need to invest in an air purifier at home.
책) And maybe invest in air purifiers for our home too.

그것 때문에 두통이 와요.
It’s been giving me headaches.

출처 EBS 반디 5dang.ebs.co.kr 오디오어학당 Easy English (영어회화 레벨 2) The air quality has been getting worse lately. 최근에 공기의 질이 나빠지고 있어.

