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23.03.11.토 World News OverView (Source: New York Times) Outraged Over Schoolgirls Illnesses, Iranians Return to Streets 이란에서 여학생들을 표적으로한 독성가스 테러가 잇따라 발생해, 이에 항의하는 시위가 전국으로 확산되었다. 한편, 이란 정부가 이런 독성가스 테러가 처음 발생한지 4개월만에 용의자 5명을 체포했다고 밝혔다. 정부의 이런 늦장 대응에 대한 원성의 목소리도 컸다. Protests erupted in more than a dozen cities across Iran on Tuesday over what some fear may be the poisoning of thousands of schoolgirls and the government’s inability to contain the growin.. 2023. 3. 11.
21.12.06.월 Easy Writing 뉴스: 커피숍 다이어트 (1) An lady on an extraordinary diet(1) stick to [명사]를 고수하다. 우린 반드시 기본을 고수해야만 합니다. We must stick to basics. We must stick to the basics. 세린쌤: Don’t try to do something fancy. Let’s just stick to the basics. 우리의 원래 계획을 고수합시다. Let’s stick to our original plan. Let’s stick to our original plan. 저는 당신이 그 규칙들을 고수하라고 제안합니다. I suggest that you stick to the regulations. I suggest that you stick to the rules. 마유쌤: Otherwise, you might get fire.. 2022. 12. 6.
22.12.02.금 ‘Phantom of the Opera’ to Delay Its Broadway Closing 브로드웨이 폐막을 연장한 ‘오페라의 유령’ Phantom of the Opera’ to Delay Its Broadway Closing by Michael Paulson 브로드웨이 폐막을 연장한 '오페라의 유령' “The Phantom of the Opera” will haunt Broadway for a while longer. That musical, the longest-running show in Broadway history, announced in September that it would close in February, ending a storied run shortly after celebrating its 35th anniversary. ▶haunt 유령이 나타나다[따라다니다] (본문에서는 해당 뮤지컬이 [오페라의 유령]이기 때.. 2022. 12. 2.
22.11.05.토 World News Overview (The New York Times) Bolsonaro Agrees to Transiti 진행: 최수진 선생님, Jason Lee 선생님 Bolsonaro Agrees to Transition of Power in Brazil Two days after losing Brazil’s presidential election, President Jair Bolsonaro agreed to a transition of power Tuesday, easing fears that the far-right leader would contest the results after warning that the only way he would lose would be if the vote were stolen. In a speech, Bolsonaro thanked his supporters, encourage.. 2022. 11. 5.
22.11.03.목 What Do American’s Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much.미국 중학교는 기후 변화에 대해서 무엇을 가르치는가? 별 거 없음 What Do American’s Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much. 미국 중학교는 기후 변화에 대해서 무엇을 가르치는가? 별 거 없음 Winston Choi-Schagrin In mid-October, just two weeks after Hurricane Ian struck her state, Bertha Vazquez asked her class of seventh graders to go online and search for information about climate change. Specifically, she tasked them to find sites that cast doubt on its human causes and wh.. 2022. 11. 3.
21.09.25.토 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3 [Full Script] Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions. 회사는 지금 이 3가지 질문을 던지고 있다. EBS 파워 잉글리시 Power English 영어회화 레벨 3, 중급 영어회화 Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions. 기업들은 지금 이 세가지 질문을 하고 있다. How do you complete a project with minmal supervision? 최소한의 관리를 받으며 어떻게 프로젝트를 완수합니까? How can you rise to the challenge? 어려운 상황에 어떻게 대처합니까? Do you have any concerns about returning to an office? 사무실로 복귀하는데 염려가 있습니까? [Article] Companies Are Now Asking These 3 Questions. 회사는 지금 이 3가지 질문.. 2022. 9. 25.
22.09.23.금 A Horse’s Collapse Rekindles Debate About New York City’s Carriage Rides 뉴욕 맨해탄에서 관광객 마차를 끌던 말이 쓰러지면서 다시 붙붙은 논쟁 A Horse’s Collapse Rekindles Debate About New York City’s Carriage Rides 뉴욕 맨해탄에서 관광객 마차를 끌던 말이 쓰러지면서 다시 붙붙은 논쟁 by Sarah Maslin Nir Horrified onlookers gathered last month around a fallen carriage horse where it had collapsed on a street in midtown Manhattan. As the horse’s driver frantically tried to rouse it — and police officers sprayed it with hoses to cool it down — the crowd captured the m.. 2022. 9. 23.
22.09.21.목 One Big Problem for Ukraine Is Clear: Glass 유리, 우크라이나의 시급한 문제 One Big Problem for Ukraine Is Clear: Glass 유리, 우크라이나의 시급한 문제 Jeffrey Gettleman There was one topic of conversation among the women bundled up in front of a bombed-out building the other day as they waited in a long line at a humanitarian food truck, a nippy wind swirling around them. “When are you going to get your glass?” one asked. “Have you called about the glass?” another said. “It was real.. 2022. 9. 21.