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온라인 영어 레슨17

22.06.23.목 Ways to Break Out of a Career Slump 커리어 슬럼프에서 벗어나는 방법 귀트영 Ways to Break Out of a Career Slump 커리어 슬럼프에서 벗어나는 방법 Every has had the odd on unproductive day here and there. When they persist for weeks even months, that’s a slump. A lingering work rut can be detrimental to one’s happiness, wellbeing and career. People in a slump don’t produce their best work and may become disengaged from tasks that used to excite them. If you’re in a slump, you might be w.. 2022. 6. 23.
22.06.23.목 under stress, under pressure 스트레스와 관련된 표현들 overwhelm 진짜 미국 영어 I’m stressful. 저는 스트레스주는 사람이다. I’m very stressed out. 난 엄청 스트레스 받고 있어. I’m under so/mounting/ a lot of stress. 나 스트레스가 느~무 심해 [Today’s Situation: 친구에게 스트레스에 대해 한탄하는 상황] A: How do you cope with your stress? I’ve been under mounting stress these days. B: What’s the matter? A: My work is killing me. And everything is out of control right now. B: This too shall pass. Be patient a little bit. Give ti.. 2022. 6. 23.
22.06.22.수 Easy Writing 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 My All Time Favorite Children’s Story feel like [명사]가 된 기분이다 나는 뭔가 중요한 사람이 된 기분이야. I feel like an important person. 세리나는 우주비행사가 된 기분이었어. Serina felt like an astronaut. 마유는 잘 생긴 남자가 된 기분이었어. Mayu felt like an handsome guy man. =========================== Aesop 이솝 gravitate 끌리다; 끌려가다 exude (분위기를) 풍기다 talent 재능 underdog 약자 takeaway 기억에 남는; 비결 consistency 한결같은 perseverance 인내 =========================== all time favorite 역대 가장 좋아하는 무엇 니.. 2022. 6. 22.
22.06.20.월 How to Choose What to Watch 무엇을 시청할지 고르는 방법 How to Choose What to Watch 무엇을 시청할지 고르는 방법 Deciding what content to watch is no longer a walk in the park. With the overwhelming amount of content available today, it can be a challenge to decide what to watch. It seems like new programs are being released every day on streaming services. Here some tips to help. First, read the reviews. If you’re unsure about what to watch, take a look at revie.. 2022. 6. 20.
22.06.20.월 overdressed <-> underdressed ‘패션’과 관련된 표현들 dress up <-> dress down 진짜 미국 영어 overdressed (상황에 맞지않게 지나치게) 격식을 차려 입은 [Today’s Situation: 친구와 데이트룩에 대해서 이야기하는 상황] A: Wow, I love your fancy dress. What’s the occasion? B: I have a movie date tonight. Do you think I am too over-dressed? A: A little bit, but who cares? You look gorgeous. B: Thank you for being so sweet~ A) 이 화려한 원피스가 너무 마음에 든다. 무슨 날이야? B) 오늘 밤에 영화 데이트가 있어. 근데 내가 너무 화려하게 입은 것 같애? A) 쪼끔. 근데 뭔 상관이야? 아름답잖아. B) 음….예쁘.. 2022. 6. 20.
22.06.18.토 Power English [영어회화 레벨 3] Optimistic People Live Longer. 낙관주의자들이 더 오래 산다. 크리스틴쌤: This is, as far as radio English programs, level 3 Power English. This is the highest level. 카메론 쌤: This is top level. 크리스틴쌤: It’s top level. 카메론 쌤: The final form. 크리스틴쌤: So, if you can’t understand a lot of what we’re saying in follow us, you’re doing really well. If those of you who do not understand all of we say, may be 40 or 50%, you’re still doing fabulous things. 카메론 쌤: Yes, it’s .. 2022. 6. 18.
21.06.18.금 It vanished into thin air. 그게 감쪽같이 사라졌어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Friday, the 18th of June. These days many people are addicted to social media including me. And I understand but why don't we free some of our time for life improvements? So, minimize useless hours on social networks. I will~ I will~ ** thin air 산소가 희박한 공기 ** 직역: 산소가 희박한 공기속으로 사라지다 ** 의역: 감쪽 같이 사라지다 A: 내가 차를 어디에 주차했는지 기억이 안나 I can't remember where I parked my car. I can't remember where.. 2022. 6. 18.
22.06.15.수 look forward to VS expect 예상하다, Don’t get someone’s hopes up 진짜 미국 영어 [Today’s Siutation: “선생님께 수고하셨습니다” 라고 말하고 싶은 상황] A: Good job, teacher. Keep it up. B: Thank you, but you shouldn’t say that to a teacher. A: Oh, I’m sorry. What should I say then? B: You should say something like “Thank you for your lecture” or “I look forward to your next lecture.” A) 잘했어요, 선생님. 계속해요. B) 고마워요. 근데 선생님에게 그렇게 말하면 안돼요. A) 그러면 죄송해요. 뭐라고 해야 해요? B) 강의 감사합니다. 또는 강의 기대하겠습니다와 같이 말해야 해요. .. 2022. 6. 15.