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22.07.01.금 Benefits of Joining Student Council 학생회 참여의 장점, 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefits of Joining Student Council 학생회 참여의 장점 Making a college application stand out is something that has become more and more important over the years. But how exactly can applicants stand head and shoulders above everyone else? Joining student council in high school is one good way. However, there’s more to it than that. Being an on student council provides leadership skills and promotes tea.. 2022. 7. 1.
21.12.17.금 The Benefits of Weekend Getaways 주말 여행의 이점 [귀트영] 현석쌤: I’m sure a lot of peole think about going on a vacation every year. Now there are longer versions of these vacations, but there are also shorter ones, the ones that I called getaways. 안젤쌤: Yes. That’s right. It sort of implies that you’re ticking just a few days to quickly get away, to escape from your regular everyday life. 현석쌤: If you had Saturday and Sunday to the schedule, you only have.. 2021. 12. 17.
21.12.16.목 Should We Make or Buy Kimchi in the U.S.? 미국에서 김치를 담가야 할까, 구입해야 할까? [ 현석쌤: Let me ask you a question. Do you buy Kimchi that you eat for your family, or do you make it yourself? 안젤쌤: I definitely buy. I know some people definitely like the taste of home made Kimchi. I, too, like the taste of home-made Kimchi. But, unfortunately, If I were to make it, the taste wouldn't come. 현석쌤: A lot of people buy Kimchi these days and because of that, the industry is getting bi.. 2021. 12. 16.