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TOEFL IBT 대비 최적164

22.04.05.화 Easy Writing 영화: 아마겟돈 Armageddon: 재앙이 덮치다. B의 크기인 [A] that is the size of [B] (‘that is’는 생략가능) 손 크기의 바위가 차를 손상시켰다. A rock that was the size of a hand damaged the car. A rock that was the size of a hand damaged the car. 그들은 휴대폰 크기 정도의 생명체를 찾아냈다. They found a life that was the size of a mobile phone. They found a creature that was about the size of a cell phone. 우린 드론 정도 크기의 비행물체를 목격했어. We witnessed a flying object that was the size of a .. 2022. 4. 5.
22.04.05.화 Can I get your autograph? 영어 강사들도 자주 틀리는 표현 ‘사인 sign’ 진짜 미국 영어 signature 서류에 하는 사인 autograph 유명인사가 하는 사인 [Today’s Situation] A: Oh my gosh, are you 김교포? 대박~, 김교포씨죠? B: Yes, I am. Hello. 네, 접니다. 안녕하세요. A: Can I have(get) your autograph? 사인 받아도 될까요? B: Sure. What’s your name? 물론이죠. 이름이 어떻게 되세요? [Pattern and Expressions] Can I have(get) your number(digit)? 전화번호 좀 알 수 있을까요? ** 까페에서 주문하는 상황 A: Welcome to DL bucks. How can I help you? B: Can I have tall size iced.. 2022. 4. 5.
21.04.05.월 Easy Writing 이메일: 라이브 쇼핑 Live Shopping: We are having a livestreamin on [day/date] Mayu migrated to the U.S. on April 27th. Mayu moved to America on April 27. Serina became a CEO on 15th. Serian became the CEO on the 15. They did nothing on Valentine's Day. They didn't do anything on Valentine's Day. ==================================== celebrate, launch, livestream, exclusive, participant draw, newsletter, reminder (Here is a reminder) ==========================.. 2022. 4. 5.
21.04.05.월 It's kind of bittersweet. 좀 시원섭섭해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Monday, the 5th of April. Well, Today is Arbor day, a day to promote trees, tree planting and gardening Arbor day, in British English, it is spelt in 'arbour' day whereas in U.S. it is 'arbor.' and as I mentioned we say it is 'spelt' in the UK and it is 'spelled' in the U.S. A: I heard that he was planning to move out in a month later B: Really? It's kind of bitterweet. A: I have a lot .. 2022. 4. 5.
20.04.04.토 Weekly Review 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 We’re going to cover what we’ve learnt from Monday to Friday and meet one more new episode in each expression. Listen to posh accent, recall what you’ve learnt, and repeat after me. This will be the best way to spend your weekend. Lovely, isn’t it? You can buy 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook. 2020.03.30 월 Work has been crazy lately. 요즘 일이 미친듯이 바빠요. A: 책을 읽고 싶은데, 요즘 일이 너무 바빠요. I want to read books.. 2022. 4. 4.
20.04.02.목 I have buyer’s remorse. 괜히 샀어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the 2nd of April. Do you have special plans for this month? I reckon it’s studying English. I hope you achieve your goals because I’ll be there for you. Learn posh accent with me, listen carefully, and speak out loud. For your information, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market. ** buyer’s remorse 구매자의 후회 ** 직역: 나는 구매.. 2022. 4. 2.
22.04.01.금 Easy Writing 정보: 지구에 관해 몰랐을 수도 있는 흥미로운 사실들 Interesting facts you may not know about Earth more of [명사]와 더 깝다. 이지 라이팅은 모든 게 들어간 영어 프로그램에 더 가까워. Easy Writing is more of an English program containin everything. Easy Writing is more of an all in one English program. 세리나는 댄서보다는 가수에 더 가까워. Serina is more of a singer than a dancer. Serina is more of a singer than a dancer. 세린쌤: I’m not very good at both, but if I have to pick one, definitely singer. 나는 고양이를 좋아하는 사람이라기 보다는 개를 좋아하는 사람에 더 가까워... 2022. 4. 1.
21.04.01.목 Easy Writing 이메일;갑작스러운 배송 지연 Something like this has never happened. [Introduction] S : You don't look so fabulous today, 선생님,. M: Why not? S : Just joking, April Pool's go on strike 파업에 들어가다. The workers went on strike. That is the reason why they went on strike. The employees are still on strike. ======================= apologize, deliver, on time제때에, shipping 배송, shipping fee 배송비 suddenly, quiry, hasitate, contact ======================= have [목적어] ready = [목적.. 2022. 4. 1.